5 Tips for Protecting Yourself From the Dangerous Onslaught of Holiday Sweets

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Michelle Spadafora

1. Don’t bring your favorite sweet treat into the house. If you know you can’t resist the temptation of Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream, don’t bring it into your house. Most of the time we overeat sweets happens in our own home, so keep it free of temptations.

2. Watch out for hidden sugars in your drinks from Gatorade, Frapuccinos, creamers or iced tea. These drinks could be keeping your from your healthy weight. Read the labels, and if your drink is sweetened cut back or cut it out. Of course, we all know that sodas are bad for us, and if you struggle to cut them out, try drinking 2/3 carbonated water and 1/3 100 percent juice.

3. Eat fresh fruit. When you are craving something sweet, try a handful of grapes or a juicy piece of watermelon. The natural sugar in juice is much better than the added sugar in other sweets.

4. Eat a small square of high cocoa dark chocolate. A one-inch square of dark chocolate can do wonders to satisfy the sugar craving. But don’t eat the whole bar; just one small piece should do the trick.

5. Exercise Self-Control. Remember the simple power of saying no. We need to believe we can do it. Also, since the fruit of the Spirit is self-control (Gal. 5:23), we need to walk in the Spirit and power of the Lord. {eoa}

Michelle Spadafora started Faithful Workouts in 2009 after 22 years in the fitness industry. She created Faithful Workouts to be a place where you can come and strengthen your relationship with God while you strengthen your body and mind, a place where you can find great workouts for all fitness levels, receive simple, practical nutrition information and connect with a real community who knows that the journey to better health is more about encouraging each other and less about being perfect.

This article originally appeared at faithfulworkouts.com.

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