4 Apps for Healthy Living in Body, Mind and Soul

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Carol Peters-Tanksley

Almost everyone has a smartphone today. If you’re like many people, your phone is becoming a primary way in which you search for and consume information and manage many aspects of your life.

And if you’re smart (a smart person using a smart phone, right?), you can use your smartphone to make sure you’re doing what’s healthy for your body, mind, and soul. Here are 4 categories of applications you need for healthy living in every area, and some suggestions in each area.

1. Track your Exercise. You can do this with a Fitbit or another smart pedometer. Tracking your activity can be fun. But you can do almost the same thing free with a smartphone app. Striiv has a fun app that I use to track my daily activity. My Fitness Pal also has a number of apps that make tracking exercise fun, including one that syncs with Fitbit. Choose one, and start using it. It’s fun to push yourself to move more today than you did yesterday.

2. Eat Smarter. If you’re like most people, you could be healthier by decreasing your calories and processed foods and increasing your fruits and veggies. Fooducate gets high marks for helping people make healthier food choices and lose weight if they need to. And again, My Fitness Pal has several apps worth checking out for your specific needs.

3. Stretch your Mind. It’s easier than ever to have access to the very best information in almost any category, and it’s as close as your smartphone. Audible makes it easy to listen to audio books while commuting, exercising or doing other activities. There’s no excuse now to not keep your mind growing.

4. Feed Your Soul. God’s Word can be as close as your smartphone. If you haven’t installed your Bible app, do so today. It’s been downloaded millions of times. Over 1000 versions are available in hundreds of languages, many of them in audio. Now you can read or listen to the Bible anywhere, anytime, even if you only have a few moments available.

Your smartphone just might be able to help you live happier and healthier.

Question: What apps do you find helpful for living happier and healthier physically, mentally or spiritually? {eoa}

Dr. Carol Peters-Tanksley is both a board-certified OB-GYN physician and an ordained doctor of ministry. As an author and speaker, she loves helping people discover the Fully Alive kind of life Jesus came to bring us. Visit her website at drcarolministries.com.

For the original article, visit drcarolministries.com.

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