Stay Calm and Don’t Bite My Head Off
Is it just me, or does it seem like people today are way too angry? There have been three highly…
With journalistic and Holy Spirit-filled commentary, J. Lee Grady is providing readers with hope and wisdom on what is happening in our culture today.
Is it just me, or does it seem like people today are way too angry? There have been three highly…
Last week, a guy named “Jake” asked me to pray for him after I taught at a ministry school in…
After I heard the news that Islamic terrorists had killed more than 72 people in a public park in Lahore,…
The Christian faith is built on the undeniable, unshakeable truth that Jesus was raised from the dead. It is also…
I have voted for a Republican candidate for president in every election since the Jimmy Carter/Gerald Ford contest in 1976.…
Continue Reading… The President of the United States Shouldn’t Be Sexist
Isabél Contreras was the most unlikely person on earth to become a traveling preacher.Raised in a Catholic family in southern…
Continue Reading… Mexican Evangelist Says God Can Heal the Lesbian Soul
March is Women’s History Month, so for the next few weeks we will be hearing a lot about women inventors,…
Continue Reading… 12 Trail-Blazing Christian Women You Should Celebrate
The 2016 U.S. presidential contest has become an endless TV soap opera: It’s part drama and part comedy, with surprising…
Last Friday in the dusty town of Kabwohe, Uganda, more than 5,000 people crammed into an enclosed field to worship…
Continue Reading… In Uganda, Anglicans Are Casting Out Demons
The first thing I noticed about my Ugandan friend Nelson Barigye was his smile. When Nelson greets you, it’s as…
My friend Kelechi is a brave Nigerian evangelist who has gotten himself kidnapped several times so he could share Christ…
Continue Reading… The United States Is Not the Center of the Universe
Hillary Clinton thought she had the full support of young American voters last year. She got high-profile endorsements from singers…
Continue Reading… What Hillary Is Learning About GenXers—and What Your Church Must Know
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