Discernment—the Most Neglected of All Spiritual Gifts
Those who walk in the fullness of the Holy Spirit have access to the nine “power gifts” mentioned in Paul’s…
Continue Reading… Discernment—the Most Neglected of All Spiritual Gifts
With journalistic and Holy Spirit-filled commentary, J. Lee Grady is providing readers with hope and wisdom on what is happening in our culture today.
Those who walk in the fullness of the Holy Spirit have access to the nine “power gifts” mentioned in Paul’s…
Continue Reading… Discernment—the Most Neglected of All Spiritual Gifts
One of the greatest blessings of the Holy Spirit is that He manifests Himself in every believer. He does not…
Continue Reading… 4 Wrong Concepts We Have Taught About Spiritual Gifts
After Fidel Castro’s death on Nov. 25, journalists, Hollywood entertainers and heads of state described the Cuban leader as an…
The United States is richly blessed. We rank near the top of global charts when it comes to safety, natural…
Continue Reading… Read This and You’ll Never Complain About America Again
The votes are counted and the 2016 election is over. Those who voted for Hillary Clinton are grieving or protesting.…
Continue Reading… Building and Repairing Bridges in a Divisive Season
A few years ago the Lord challenged me about my level of spiritual hunger. He showed me that even though…
Continue Reading… Are You Blocking the Flow of the Holy Spirit?
We have just endured the most bitter and divisive presidential contest in a lifetime. The whole nation is shell-shocked. Our…
Continue Reading… How We Grieved the Holy Spirit in This Election
The Old Testament clearly shows that the rise and fall of Israel was determined by its spiritual condition. When the…
In three weeks, the baffling 2016 presidential election will be over. The winner will begin assembling a White House cabinet.…
Continue Reading… What if Hillary Clinton Wins the White House?
In Malawi, one of the poorest countries in the world, Christians suffer from a severe lack of resources. But that…
Continue Reading… How a Humble African Pastor Rocked My World
Last week I spent six days in Durban, South Africa, with a dynamic congregation called His Church. The members come…
I have a friend who is a gifted worship leader, a loving husband and an affectionate father. He’s funny, smart,…
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