Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

4 Lessons From Joseph We Can Apply to Kavanaugh

Professor Christine Blasey Ford and U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh

Who is telling the truth? As we watch in horror regarding the Kavanaugh-Ford hearings of last week, the question remains, “Who is telling the truth?”

Almost daily there are accusations leveled at leaders and pastors and for good reason. We are living in a day in which all that can be shaken will be shaken. Sin is being exposed. We are in a purifying process in every area in our nation and around the world. And there has been much in the church, in our government, our nation and families that needed to be rooted out. Truth needs to be revealed.

It is a day for discernment.

What is discernment?

In the Greek two primary words for discernment are:

anakrino: to examine or judge closely

diakrino: to investigate, to separate, to examine

As believers, we also have available to us the gift of discernment. It is the word diakrisis which means the ability to discern, judge or appraise a person, situation or statement. This is an impartation available to us by the Holy Spirit.

So why are Christians divided on the political issues facing us today? Why are there some on one side and some on the other?

It is because of our own filters and trigger, which skew our ability to see clearly.

So how can we be sure we are walking in truth and hearing truth? It begins with a spirit of humility. We must first lay down preconceived ideas, unhealed wounds and our own issues and then ask the Lord to see as He sees. The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of truth, “But when the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13a).

Truth is available to us if we will seek it.

As I continue to pray regarding last week’s hearing between Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and his accuser Dr. Christine Ford, the Lord spoke several things regarding the life of Joseph from biblical days:

  1. Joseph was falsely accused (See Gen. 39).
  2. Even if an investigation had taken place, it wouldn’t have mattered as Potiphar’s wife would not have been exposed as a liar. It was not about finding truth. It was about protecting her reputation and Potiphar’s name.
  3. Because of the severity of the accusations, Potiphar had to do something, and yet removing Joseph from his position and throwing him into prison actually positioned Joseph to take his seat of authority.
  4. Even though it appeared to be over for Joseph, it was simply the last step of his refining process before he was moved into the palace. How he walked through that season, and the many horrible things done to him previously, qualified and prepared him for the leadership position that awaited him.

Let me state I do not believe that Kavanaugh will be removed or thrown into prison, although he has certainly been thrown into a prison of sorts as the left has worked to remove him and tie his hands from not only the Supreme Court position but any future work.

Kavanaugh is in a qualifying and refining process. The refiner’s fire burns up the chaff in our lives and prepares us to be vessels of honor for the Master’s use. Joseph didn’t do or deserve the many things done to him by his brothers, by Potiphar’s wife and others, but God used it all to prepare him to be a vessel that helped save a nation.

I believe this is where we stand with the Kavanaugh-Ford situation.

Kavanaugh is in the process of being moved into his seat of authority, and the enemy will always rise up to prevent us from reaching that place which goes from our assignment to a position of authority and power in the spirit realm.

Make no mistake that God’s plans and purposes, as His people pray, will prevail. But we must fight this spiritual battle together for our nation. It is not about attacking people or those who do not see as we do. For our battle is not against flesh and blood. We are to pray and walk in discernment.

So how do we pray? For His plans and purposes to prevail:

Lord, we declare and decree that America is in your hands.

We ask that your plan and purposes will prevail.

Lord, we call for the vote for Kavanaugh to be held in Your divine timing. Not delayed, and not rushed. We declare your timing and purpose will prevail and man’s plans and purposes will bow to yours.

We ask for Your pick for this seat. We ask that the nominee who would best fill this seat to fulfill your plans and purposes to prevail, that they will be seated as the next justice and that no weapon formed against them will prevail.

Lord we stand united in prayer as the remnant to declare that you are Lord over America and You are Lord over the Democrats, Republicans and Independents.

You have put these men and women into positions of authority, and we pray as we head into the midterm elections for those who will bow their knee to you to prevail.

Remember the word of God is the foundation on which we stand.

“For by You I can run through a troop, and by my God I can leap a wall” (Ps. 18:29).

“Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; yes, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” (Isa. 41:10).

Let us lay down our own filters and triggers of the past, especially for those who have been touched in their own lives by sexual abuse, to have eyes to see and ears to hear, for the Spirit of truth is bringing revelation for all who want to see. The truth continues to be revealed. This is a call for discernment.

Karen Hardin is a literary agent and published author. She has been in the Christian publishing industry for 25 years and has had the privilege of working on numerous projects for some of the most recognized names in the industry. Her work has appeared in USA Today, World Net Daily,, Charisma, The Elijah List and more. She is called to exhort, encourage and help others to walk in identity and destiny to achieve their highest potential in their gift and call. For additional information go to: or

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