Karen Hardin

  • An Urgent Call to God’s Warriors of Righteousness to Fight the Good Fight Against Evil

    An Urgent Call to God’s Warriors of Righteousness to Fight the Good Fight Against Evil

    We are in a fight for our freedom. America has been in this war for independence before. It is why we are a nation. My question to each of us is this: Where are the warriors, the courageous difference-makers who will fight for justice and righteousness? We need to look at our own history as

  • Prophetic Dream: When Fear Knocks on Your Door, Don’t Answer

    Prophetic Dream: When Fear Knocks on Your Door, Don’t Answer

    It was the early hours of the morning when I awoke. My husband and I had taken our camper out for a few days of prayer and rest. It was a Sunday night, and in uncustomary fashion, my husband had driven back into town to handle some business for Monday morning. He had planned to

  • Bill Johnson Was Provoked; It’s Time We Were

    Bill Johnson Was Provoked; It’s Time We Were

    What is the tipping point from where we are in this precarious moment — not only America, but the world — where it seems evil is winning? Where good is called evil and evil called good? What is going to tip the scales for revival and transformation? What will provoke us to contend for that

  • Revival Is Coming, but Are We Ready for It?

    Revival Is Coming, but Are We Ready for It?

    Recently, evangelist Mario Murillo came to Tulsa, Oklahoma, to meet with pastors hungry for revival. Approximately 575 pastors and leaders filled the room, giving up their Saturday morning to join together to pray for an event on April 21 and 22 at the Tulsa Mabee Center. We believe it will light a fire that will

  • What Have You Lost in Your ‘Ziklag’ Moment?

    What Have You Lost in Your ‘Ziklag’ Moment?

    Have you ever experienced a “Ziklag” moment? Ziklag was where David, his men and their families had set up camp. But as David and his men went to fight one battle, the Amelekites came and stole everything they owned—including their wives and children. When David and his men returned, everything was gone. The name Amelekite

  • It’s Time to Come Out of Your COVID Cave and Let Your Spiritual Flame Shine

    It’s Time to Come Out of Your COVID Cave and Let Your Spiritual Flame Shine

    The years 2020 and 2021 were marked with confusion and fear intent on keeping us isolated in our homes. Not so unlike biblical days where in times of fear and confusion, many hid in a cave. Historically, that was a place where prophets hid. It is a place where depression tries to rule. In biblical

  • Bind the Strongman and America will Prosper Again

    Bind the Strongman and America will Prosper Again

    What can topple a government? A “strongman.” What is the strongman in America? I believe it begins with the original sin—pride. It was the motivating factor behind Satan’s move to overthrow God and it continues. If we remove that strongman, could it be the key to seeing this march of evil against America stopped? Mark

  • Have You Unintentionally Said ‘No’ to the Miracle for Which You Prayed?

    Have You Unintentionally Said ‘No’ to the Miracle for Which You Prayed?

    Who prays for something and then rejects the very thing for which they prayed? Especially when it is within arm’s reach? Crazy, right? But we do it unintentionally all the time. The day in which we live, many families, my own included, are praying and believing for additional provision. Let’s face it: The days in

  • Jan. 6, 2021: The Real Attack Against Democracy

    Jan. 6, 2021: The Real Attack Against Democracy

    ABC News has announced they will dedicate the entire day on January 6 to cover their version of events on the one-year anniversary of what they call “the attack on the U.S. Capitol and the continuing fallout for American democracy.” There was indeed an attack against American democracy that day. But it wasn’t by the

  • Is Decreeing an Occult Practice?

    Is Decreeing an Occult Practice?

    In recent weeks I’ve heard respected teachers speak against decreeing, declaring and prophesying to “see a shift in the atmosphere.” One teacher called it an “an occultic practice.” I encountered that same claim this past weekend in a firestorm attack on social media. One of the issues surrounded a book I quoted in which the

  • Prophetic Dream: ‘Pray for the Witch’

    Prophetic Dream: ‘Pray for the Witch’

    God’s heart is not only for those who passionately serve Him. He is just as passionate about those who are lost. Sometimes we forget that when we are under attack. I did when the Lord told me recently to “Pray for the witch!” In a dream recently the Lord not only told me, but He

  • Your Papers Please—Will the Days of the Holocaust Be Repeated?

    Your Papers Please—Will the Days of the Holocaust Be Repeated?

    “Your papers please.” If the current administration has their way, this will be the phrase spoken before we can board a plane, travel across state lines, receive medical help and more. It is the same phrase spoken, and accepted, during the days before the Holocaust. April 8 is Holocaust Remembrance Day. It is a day

  • Finding the Path to Blessing After Personal or Social Injustice

    Finding the Path to Blessing After Personal or Social Injustice

    Have you experienced an injustice recently that left you reeling? Injustices impact our lives so strongly because they are unexpected and unfair. It leaves us with the question, “God, where are you?” But did you also know that each injustice you experience is actually an open door and opportunity for transfer and blessing? There are

  • Why Republican-Appointed Supreme Court Justices Turn Liberal

    Why Republican-Appointed Supreme Court Justices Turn Liberal

    Gary Bauer of American Values says he can list a number of justices who have drifted left—but not one that has gone the other way. Why is that? Supreme Court Justice John Roberts is one of the most obvious examples. In the last two to three years, he has completely reversed his stand on some

  • South Dakota Governor Turned Tragedy Into Kingdom Action

    South Dakota Governor Turned Tragedy Into Kingdom Action

    Many of us have wondered what else we can do to see the corruption that seems to have taken over our nation removed. With the lead swamp-drainer no longer in office, the job is now fully up to us and awakens us to action. But what can we do? While prayer is absolutely our primary

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