Larry Tomczak’s Week in Review: Conspiracy Exposé: No God, No Truth, No Justice, No Trump!

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Larry Tomczak

Alleged conspiracies have dominated news reports for the past few years. A conspiracy is a “secret plan to do something unlawful and harmful.”

Which ones are valid and which ones are frauds? We must be informed influencers to recognize the difference because our nation’s future hangs in the balance.

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Are you aware of insidious forces at work to topple America and  transform it from traditional to a Marxist, socialist and secular society? Donald Trump is the central focus who is in the crosshairs because if he can be removed from running, progressives will run wild.

We must learn to discern and pull back the curtain on $53 million judgments against the former president as well as court cases in Miami, New York, Georgia and Washington, D.C., that may very well determine  the destiny of America. Watch!{eoa}

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Larry Tomczak, author of 10 books, is a cultural commentator of 50 yrs, Intercessors for America board member, best-selling author and a public policy adviser with Liberty Counsel. His new, innovative video/book, BULLSEYE, develops informed influencers in 30 days (see and he has a variety of resources on his website (see You can also hear his weekly podcast here.

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