Love Does No Harm to Your Neighbor

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Dionne Cameron

A video recently went viral of a neighbor harassing another neighbor because of his ethnicity. In Matthew 22:37-38, Jesus teaches us the greatest commandment in the Law, or the Ten Commandments, is to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul and mind. And the second is to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Who is your neighbor? Does your neighbor have to live next door? Does your neighbor have to look like you? Does your neighbor have to vote for the same political party as you do? Does your neighbor have to live in the same country as you do?

Romans 13:10 says, “Love does no harm to one’s neighbor. Therefore, love is the fulfillment of the law.”

Listen to the latest episode of Wear Scriptures on Charisma Podcast Network to find out how loving your neighbor fulfills the Law, or the Ten commandments.

Prophetic Evangelist Dionne Cameron once didn’t believe that Jesus Christ was God, but a Damascus moment changed her life forever. Now she stands today for the gospel truth as found in Jesus with her new Christian clothing company, Wear Scriptures, and is committed to evangelizing the lost and seeing souls saved and ushered into the kingdom of God. Dionne lives in Florida with her family. Visit to learn more.

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