Thu. Sep 26th, 2024

Israel-UAE Peace Accord ‘A Deadly Blow’ to Anti-Semitic Campaigns

With the accelerated worldwide spread of anti-Semitism over the past few years, the signing of last week’s Abraham Accord between Israel and the United Arab Emirates can be termed as nothing short of a miracle, says Susan Michael, USA director of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem.

And, Michael says, the spiritual implications of the peace agreement are nothing short of spiritually miraculous for a region where many Arabs are starving for a different life and are beginning to come to Jesus.

“There is great spiritual significance here. The message for the world is Israel is here to stay,” Michael told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of Greenelines on the Charisma Podcast Network. “Her whole history is that she had had to fight war after war after war. She now fight a war of words and propaganda around the world with these campaigns to delegitimize Israel and actually call for her to be brought down. The goal is to bring an end to the state of Israel.

“One of the big points against Israel, of course, is this state of war with the Arab countries. So, the more that there is peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors, the more it’s just a deadly blow to this whole campaign against Israel. So, spiritually, it’s telling the world that Israel is here to stay.

“It is showing how much she has achieved in all these years and that she’s going beyond that continual threat of war on her borders. It shows the world of 100 million Arabs all around her that want to destroy her that it’s over. To see Israel brought into a more peaceful situation, it’s a blessing to the world because Israel will now have more budget and more energy that she can put into being a blessing to the world and develop technology and innovation and agriculture, and not have to focus on war and defense. So it’s a blessing to us all.”

For more about what the Abraham Accord means to Israel, click here. And listen to the entire podcast at this link. {eoa}

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