Dani Johnson: A Warrior for the Next Generation

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Leigh DeVore



Dani Johnson has for years been coaching and teaching her clients how to become successful. Along the way, she has discovered that their biggest roadblock to achievement is that they never were taught how to succeed. In her new book, Grooming the Next Generation for Success, Johnson shares from her own experience and perspective to help adults learn how to succeed and help their children to become successful.

Johnson defines “success” as: “A close intimate relationship with God, and having a passionate and harmonious marriage, kids that are a blessing to you as well as to others and kids that are impacting the world versus taking from the world, financially free from bondage of debt, and healthy physically, healthy emotionally, and a career that helps others to succeed and bringing the money to those that are in need.”

Her view of this as it relates to the next generation is holistic, with success being evident in all areas of life: spiritually, relationally in marriage, with their children, in their careers, with their communities and their churches. She explains that parents must intentionally teach success for this to happen: “[Success] isn’t going to happen by accident. That needs to happen deliberately by design not by default.”

She hopes her book will help parents understand the fact that someone, whether it’s a parent or another person, is grooming our kids to succeed or fail. “If we don’t put a stop to this, if we don’t wake up, we’re in trouble.”

She explains that parents must teach their kids proper people skills and the value of work. “We have to teach them how to find satisfaction in their work. … We must groom them to know, honor, respect and obedience and the value of it; it does not come natural.”

Johnson believes all adults, even those who aren’t parents, need to make a decision to be a positive influence. “I believe there is a mandate for all adults to do something with this next generation. … This is a mandate from heaven. We are going to answer to God for where this generation is.”

She adds: “I was groomed to fail, and the majority of my clients were groomed to fail. We all can learn to do something. … It’s very simple. There are just a few simple things that need to be improved upon. And God in His Spirit gives us the strength to be able to make those things happen. It’s never too late.”

Johnson speaks directly to this younger generation: “Your destiny is bigger than anything you’ve seen. … He’s going to move mightily through your lives and He’s going to move mightily in ways that we have not seen Him move in other generations.

“You are a rallying generation. There is a spirit of rebellion that is trying to overtake this generation. … You’ve been provoked in ways that have caused you to make decisions to go into places, but have no fear because those very places is where God’s going to turn everything around and groom you to succeed in every area of your life.”

Johnson knows that God is going to use this generation to move in healing, signs and wonders, and prophecy. She also believes that God is going to increase creativity and use these kids in places of influence. “The future business leaders, the future political leaders, the future education leaders, the future entertainment leaders, the future entertainment leaders, sport figures, celebrities, media personalities, future writers future heads of homes is who you are right now. This is your generation. … He is looking for this generation to rise up with powerful skill sets and powerful gifts of influence, as well as powerful positions in finances so that we may turn our nation back toward Him.

“This is not just going to happen through the church. … It has to happen in the marketplace, which is where the people are. … We need these kids, this generation, the youth, to rise up in those political positions, entertainment positions, financial, banking positions so they would influence the world. If they do not hold those positions, we have no influence. Christians are supposed to be in those positions leading people morally, leading people into financial wisdom, leading people spiritually.”

Click here to purchase Grooming the Next Generation for Success.

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