Will God’s Wrath Fall on Casey Anthony?

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Jennifer LeClaire



AP Images/Red Huber, Pool, File

Casey Anthony was found not guilty of murdering her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee. But the debate continues in the court of public opinion.

One Florida man was so enraged by the verdict, he launched a Facebook page called “Boycott Casey Anthony” to get his message out. Less than a day later, there are nearly 6,000 fans, demonstrating the passion that people across the U.S. have about this headline-making case.

Noteworthy are the views of God’s judgment, hell and grace. Some on the page are pronouncing shame on the jury for the decision. And most are suggesting that Anthony go to the place Rob Bell doesn’t believe exists—hell. God (and Anthony) knows if she was involved in her daughter’s death. Even if she was, Jesus can forgive her if she repents. But that’s not the sentiment many online are taking.

Following are a handful of responses from the Boycott Casey Anthony page that highlight people’s religious views in the wake of what they see as a travesty of justice. The responses are shocking, but not from a worldly point of view that leaves little room for grace:

Bubbs M. wrote, “I hope she dies in hell.”

Nicovia M. penned, “They should allow the stoning just for this matter … Still wowed at the jury … my heart goes out to the baby … r.i.p.”

Meanwhile, Andrew R. wrote, “There is a special place reserved in hell for child murderers. the state of Florida might not find you guilty, but you will face judgement. One way or another you will answer for killing kasey. You will pay the price.”

Lydia P. writes, “OH MY GOD … WHERE IS THE JUSTICE???????? I have comfort in knowing that GOD will be her final JUDGE …”

There was at least one voice of evangelism in the mix, though.

Nicole I. wrote, “We are all guilty of breaking GOD’s laws and we will either receive wrath and justice from HIM, or grace and mercy when we repent of our sins and place our faith and trust in Jesus Christ and His death on the cross in our place. No matter what your personal OPINION, the LAW says she is NOT guilty of murder.”

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