Water Well Provides Opportunities to Share Jesus

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Gospel for Asia

GFA Jesus Well

GFA Jesus Well
Scorching summer temperatures in Chhattisgarh, India, left the majority of one village’s water resources depleted.

Villagers struggled to find a well that wasn’t already dry. The
government also tried to help by supplying as much water as it was able,
but there was never enough to go around.

Fights broke out as people tried to obtain the scarce water. It was
under these conditions that Gospel for Asia-supported churches asked to
have a Jesus Well dug in the area. After prayer, the Lord provided a
donor and a local driller to bore the well and install the hand pump.

Now the villagers have flowing water at their disposal, and they
don’t have to worry about it ever running out. Even more importantly,
the well has opened the door for GFA-supported pastors in the area to
share the Living Water of Christ’s love with the thirsty villagers.

“We were struggling for water, but now we are getting sufficient
water from the Jesus Well, both for drinking and other domestic work,”
said one villager. “All the wells in our village were fully dried up in
this severe heat, and even the government wasn’t able to provide water
for us. We are grateful to the church for the Jesus Well.”

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