The Spirit Prays in Us

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Smith Wigglesworth

We know not what we should pray?.?.?. but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us. —Romans 8:26

How do you come to God? Where is God? Is He in the air? In the wind? He that cometh to God, where is He? God is in you. Oh, hallelujah! And you will find the Spirit of the Living God in you, which is the prayer circle; which is the lifting power; which is the revelation element; which is the divine power that lifts you.

He that cometh to God is already in the place where the Holy Ghost takes the prayers and swings them out according to the mind of the Spirit. For who hath known the mind of Christ, or who is able to make intercession but the mind of the Spirit of the Living God. Where is He? He is in us!

God answers prayers because the Holy Ghost prays; your advocate is Jesus; and the Father is the judge of all. There He is. Is it possible for any prayer to miss on those lines?

Spirit of God, pray in me, through me,
and in spite of me. Amen.

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