The Gathering Storm

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Leigh DeVore



Bodie and Brock Thoene | Summerside Press

Mega-selling authors Bodie and Brock Thoene build on their popular Zion Covenant and Zion Chronicles series, covering the time period in between with the new Zion Diaries series. Using their legendary research and writing skills, the Thoenes draw readers into Adolf Hitler’s blitzkrieg with this novel of strong faith and unique history.

The American-born daughter of an Austrian father who protests Hitler’s policies, Loralei Bittick Kepler spends time in Berlin as the dictator is rising to power, then in Brussels, Belgium, where she and her family must flee the German army. Tragedy finds them, though Lora and others do make it across the English Channel. As she faces the loss of her husband, she embraces the many European refugees landing in England. She finds solace in work-and in the arms of Eben Golah, a man whose mystery is as profound as his heart for saving people.

The Gathering Storm is a unique blend of present and past, history and romance, ancient secrets and future peace. Readers will enjoy once again the Thoenes’ storytelling, and take into their hearts Lora, Eben, Varrick and many others who take their stand against evil.

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