Social Networkers Welcome Graham to Kenya

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Trevor Freeze


Will Graham is getting quite a welcome in Kenya.

Moments after arriving in Nakuru with his wife, Kendra, he was greeted with a parade through the city’s downtown quarters.

“Just arrived in Nakuru! What a reception,” Graham posted on his Twitter account, @TellaGraham. “I’ve never had a reception like that before.”

grandson of Billy Graham and son of Franklin Graham will be preaching
three nights at the Will Graham Celebration of Peace Nakuru from Friday to Sunday at Githma (Mama Scrape Grounds). All events are free.

downtown parade was just a taste of the excitement that is brewing in
Kenya, where Billy Graham preached at two crusades in Nairobi (1960,
1976) and Kisumu (1960).

“May God use you like he used your grandfather,” Violet V. Ongayi posted on Will Graham’s Facebook page.

“It is wonderful to have you visit Kenya and your grandfather was here in the ’70s,” Lily Wairium added on Facebook.

2,700 fans from Kenya are now following Will Graham on Facebook, the
most of any country, with a majority of them joining this past week.

“Welcome to Kenya and preach,” Joseph Mutuku wrote.

my brother for the commitment,” Winstone Omucheyi posted. “Welcome and
give us the Gospel according to the Great Commission!”

And Joseah Bett added: “Bro Will, you are most welcome to Kenya. Thanks for visiting Tenwek, our hospital, our home.”

Graham made a visit to Tenwek Hospital on Sunday in Bomet, Kenya, where
he tweeted that he met with “Mary, an amazing lady who started the
nursing school at Tenwek Hospital with the help of Samaritan’s Purse.”

On Friday, Graham spent the day visiting some Samaritan’s Purse projects, including one at Wilson Airport.

“Visited with my friends at AIM AIR in Nairobi,” he tweeted.

Used with permission from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

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