‘Purging Your House’ Flying Off Big Box Retailer Shelves

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Jennifer LeClaire


With divorce rates among Christians at least mirroring the national average—and with family values increasingly undermined by secular society—it’s no wonder Perry Stone’s latest book is flying off the shelves of big box retailers and traditional bookstores alike.

In only two months, the best-selling author’s new book Purging Your House and Pruning Your Family Tree has sold more than 100,000 copies, including 40,000 at a leading big box retailer.

The book offers methods and strategies the devil uses to launch his attacks against families—and equips readers to purge their home and their blood line from demonic activity and hindrances that breed conflict, dissatisfaction and disillusionment.

“This book must have touched a nerve because we never expected it to take off so quickly,” says Steve Strang, publisher of Charisma magazine and owner of Charisma House, which published the book. “With so many family problems and so much spiritual warfare in society, people are looking for answers.”

In Purging Your House and Pruning Your Family Tree, Stone outlines how Satan selects his victims from an early age, how to remove accursed things from your house, how to prevent Satan’s return to your home, the reason 3 a.m. taps into the spirit world, why we battle atmospheric warfare, and how to change it.

“In this book you will find principles that can help you understand what the roots to your circumstances are,” says Stone, who is also the author of Secrets from Beyond the Grave. “The important insights and illumination in this book from God’s Word can alter the circumstances of your life and bring a change that will positively impact you and your family.”

Charisma House is part of the company that publishes this app. As a service to our readers, we have included a promotional item below with a video from Perry talking about the book and an easy way to get a copy today.

{youtube width=”500″}Q5vGcGAPq3w{/youtube}

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