Pastor's told to Preach their Own Sermons

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Pastors Make Pledge Against Pulpit Plagiarism
More than 1,500 pastors from at least 50 countries have pledged not to rely on sermon aides or even plagiarizing the sermons of others.
Pastors Make Pledge Against Pulpit Plagiarism

More than 1,500 pastors from at least 50 countries have pledged not to “short circuit” their sermons by using the words of other preachers. They're part of “The Pledge” campaign launched by in response to the increasing number of pastors relying on readily available sermon aides or even plagiarizing the sermons of others while skimping on their own preparations.

SermonCentral, which provides online sermon materials, says the campaign is an attempt to restore the centrality of the Bible in preaching. “We introduced The Pledge because we think preachers must engage the Bible in their sermon preparation and not simply short circuit the process with someone else’s study,” said SermonCentral general editor Ron Forseth. “Our site is a valuable supplement but not the primary source for a sermon. God’s Word is.”

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