Missionaries Experiencing Problems with Landlords

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Gospel for Asia


Two Gospel for Asia-supported missionaries are finding it difficult to minister to their congregations because of problems with their landlords.

Sujin Kamal leads a congregation of 15 believers in one of South Asia’s most populated cites. Due to the population density of the city, it is difficult to find space to buy or rent. Pastor Sujin was having worship services in a small rented house, but his landlord is now telling him he can’t continue having Christian worship services there and that he must move out.

In a similar situation, GFA-supported missionary Balveer Gode’s landlord shut down a Sunday school.
Dozens of children were attending the Sunday school each week, and this upset the landlord. She went to the home of each child and told their parents not to send them to the Sunday school anymore.

Pastor Balveer is now looking for another place to rent so he can resume the Sunday school program.
Problems like Sujin and Balveer’s are very common in South Asia. It is difficult to build churches in some places because land is unavailable. In some cities—like those where Sujin and Balveer live—there is more demand for land, than there is land for sale. In smaller villages, land belongs to a family or a tribe, and cannot be sold. In many cases, churches are built on donated land because buying property is so difficult.

Therefore, missionaries often have to rely on rented rooms, homes or small buildings to conduct worship services and Bible studies.

Sujin and Balveer shared the following prayer requests:

 â€˘   Pray that they will find a suitable place to rent.
   â€˘ Ask the Lord to lead them to a Christian landlord.
   â€˘   Pray that when they resume the Sunday school and worship services, everyone will return.
   â€˘   Pray that many will come to know Christ in spite of the difficulties.
   â€˘   Pray for the two landlords who shut down the programs—that they will come to know the Lord.

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