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I am amazed that a Christian, let alone a minister, could support Barack Obama in any way (“A House Divided,” October). It is a selfish position that Obama will help African-Americans while not supporting the sanctity of life.

Martin Luther King Jr. said: “The Negro cannot win as long as he is willing to sacrifice the lives of his children for comfort and safety.” Those who are left to die on an abortionist’s table are just as human as we are.
Julie Landis
Haddonfield, New Jersey

Obama publicly declares his faith in Jesus Christ, yet he also publicly supports same-sex unions and a woman’s “right” to an abortion. I don’t understand how a Christian can do that.
Evan Martin
Goshen, Indiana

There are many issues I have with Obama’s stand, but the big one is that he contradicts the words of Jesus. In idealistic terms it’s nice to have a black man or a woman in high office. But it’s about what they believe and what they stand for, not about race.
M. Nyman
Surrey, Canada

So white Christians are angry that some black Christians are voting for Obama “just because he’s black.” White people, including many God-fearing white Christians, have discriminated against African-Americans “just because they were black.”

Now that there is a strong possibility that Obama will win the presidency, some cry, “That’s racist.” How convenient. If white Christians don’t like what’s happening with the black vote, I suggest they do what African-American Christians do every time they are confronted with racism: Pray, and then get over it!
name withheld

Regarding pastor Derrick Hutchins’ comments in favor of Obama, it is beyond me how a Christian, much less a minister, can ignore the fact that the Democratic candidate for president has endorsed the wholesale slaughter of the innocent. Simply stating he disagrees with the candidate’s position is at best a lame argument.
Carla Chadwick
Holdenville, Oklahoma

I was disappointed that your magazine endorsed John McCain for president. Instead of telling people how to vote, we should ask what Jesus would do in this election. I would rather pray the blessing of God over both candidates than try to make a decision for God.
Delores Phillips
New Brunswick, Canada

Sarah Palin’s candidacy is a sure sign of God’s judgment on this nation. We must continue to uphold the biblical, traditional roles of women who are wives and mothers. Unless we do this we will proceed into darkness and apostasy.

I believe God has been trying to chasten His daughter Sarah Palin. Her greatest hour is ahead-when she returns to her family sphere, honors her husband and publicly renounces her despising of her place as a wife and mother.

I will not join with the wicked who think they are in control by casting their votes for John McCain.
Karen Parrish
via e-mail


How refreshing it was to read the article about Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow (“A Gator for God” by Suzy A. Richardson, October). Tebow proves that a young person can go to college, love God and not get caught up in the dark side of collegiate life. You go, Tebow!
C. Williams
Gainesville, Florida

As a University of Florida Gator (Class of ’95) and a child of God, it blessed my soul to read Tim Tebow’s powerful testimony. When he received the Heisman Trophy, I was so proud to hear him give honor to the Lord Jesus Christ.
I read how he was almost aborted as an infant. God is going to use him to reach many people for Christ.
Suzette Farquharson-Morgan
Orlando, Florida


During the Lakeland Revival I received a total healing in my right knee. I believe this revival was genuine, but it was destroyed because people let their guards down.

The Holy Spirit was ready to pour His anointing on the world. God did His part, but man failed. Instead of pointing fingers at somebody else, we need to examine our own hearts. God is still looking for someone He can use. Is it you?
Mary Platts
Ocala, Florida


I love Ray Boltz and I have loved his music for years. When I heard that he had come out of the closet to embrace homosexuality, my reaction was shock and sadness (Fire in My Bones online, September 17).

But it is not too late for redemption. I cannot believe Boltz could write and sing those songs without really believing what he sang. I am praying for his wife and children with all my heart.
Judith Makinson
Florence, Alabama

I was shaken to the core by what happened with Ray Boltz. I am a born-again Christian who struggles with same-sex attraction. I have been celibate for 10 years. Although I struggle every day, I know I cannot continue in sin. God’s grace abounds and helps me resist temptation.

I pray for Ray Boltz. He has been deceived. The Christian community, meanwhile, must embrace the homosexual community-especially those who are seeking to leave the gay lifestyle. They need to know that their sin is not any worse than yours. Christ died to redeem us all.
name withheld


I am a faithful reader, and I agree with almost all the editorials written in Charisma, with the exception of the political ones. This has been the most divisive and cruel campaign that has ever happened in my lifetime, and I have seen some bad ones before.

I believe the Bible tells us these things are in God’s hands, and He has set them in position over us. Yes, we are to vote, but we are not to bear false witness, become hateful, gossips and a myriad of other demonic things that have manifested in this day and age. I am thankful He is in control, and that His kingdom will come in His perfect timing.

It is time to repent of our behavior to our brothers and sisters, now that the election is over. We need to heal the deep wounds created by this event and pray for the leader of our country, whether or not he is “our pick.” If we would do our Christian duty and continually pray for these servant leaders, perhaps we would have better results than what we’ve seen lately.

Annabelle Brown
McKinney, Texas

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