Family of Demon-Possessed Girl Struggles to Accept Christ

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Gospel for Asia

GFA film showing

GFA film showing
When Pathik Sharma showed a movie about Jesus to a people staunchly
devoted to ancestor worship, Bishakha Gupta came to watch—and so did the
demon that possessed her body.

As the movie ended, Bishakha’s breathing became erratic. Her parents
noticed her distress and decided to take her to a doctor the next day.
But Pathik, a Gospel for Asia-supported missionary, asked if he could
pray for the young girl instead.

When Pathik stepped toward Bishakha, the girl pushed him away and
would not let the missionary touch her. She became violent. The people
around her held her hands and feet so Pathik could pray.

He placed his Bible on the shrieking woman’s head and commanded the
evil spirit to come out of her. He prayed and asked Jesus to intervene.
The demon left her—but not for long.

After everyone had gone home and Bishakha’s family was all sound
asleep, the evil spirit returned and began tormenting Bishakha once
again. Roused from sleep by the noise, Bishakha’s parents called Pathik
and told him what was happening. Pathik immediately made his way to
Bishakha’s home and prayed once more for her deliverance and God’s
healing hands to be upon the girl.

As Pathik prayed, a deep, hoarse voice came from Bishakha saying,
“This time I am going to leave the girl for sure.” Immediately, Bishakha
calmed down and fell into a deep sleep.

Bishakha’s parents and the crowd that had gathered at her house saw
the miracle and marveled. Pathik took the opportunity to challenge the
girl’s family to trust Christ and commit their lives to Him. Although
they can’t deny God’s saving grace, Bishakha’s family is hesitant to
openly receive the Lord due to the opposition that will inevitably
follow from their fellow villagers. They are scared to trust Christ,
even after encountering a demon in the darkness.

Prayer is requested for Bishakha and her family, that they will cast
aside any fear of man and truly surrender their lives to Christ.

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