Christians Threatened, Abused in Asia

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Gospel for Asia


Throughout South Asia, many of Jesus’ followers—especially those who
have recently committed their lives to Him—face persecution from their
communities. Within the past year, the following Christians have
experienced threats and abuse because they claim the name of Jesus:

Man’s New Infectious Faith Provokes Village Unrest
Kantimoy once devoutly followed the religion traditional to his people
group. He, his wife and their three children got up early every day to
worship their deity. Kantimoy was even in charge of maintaining the
property of the temple in his village.

But the gods and goddesses he worshiped couldn’t heal his three
children. His 10-year-old son, Jugnu, suffered from seizures, his
8-year-old daughter had a hole in her heart and his youngest daughter
experienced night terrors that disrupted his entire household, robbing
them of sleep.

One day, a Gospel for Asia-supported pastor told Kantimoy about
Jesus. This pastor continued visiting him and praying for his family.
Jugnu stopped having seizures, and Kantimoy started to have faith in
Jesus. Finally, Kantimoy gave his heart to the Lord. He stopped working
at the temple and even opened his home for a prayer group. Three
neighboring families ended up joining!

But the other villagers—including his relatives and family
members—turned against Kantimoy. They started opposing his congregation
and are causing problems for his pastor.

Justice Denied for Christian Villagers
In a part of South Asia where believers have experienced unimaginable
hostility and violence in recent years, believers in one village still
face opposition. In September, some villagers attacked the believers,
beating one individual. When a group of Christians protested against
this violence, police jailed 10 of them. Although they were released on
bail, hostility in the village continues.

Gospel for Asia-supported pastor Sulekh Kapoor reported in January
that the villagers were cooperating with an anti-Christian extremist
group to prevent the believers from going to the market.

In light of this situation, Pastor Sulekh has requested prayer for
protection and safety for the Christian families in this village.

Choosing Christ’s Family or Earthly Family
Kanan Tamang, 20, recently chose to give his life to Jesus. He worships
with a growing congregation led by GFA-supported missionary Rehmat
Chatterjee. However, his parents have threatened to disown him if he
continues to follow Christ. The other villagers are also opposing
Kanan’s decision, saying that if he makes his decision to follow Jesus
final, they will chase him from the village.

Pastor Rehmat requests prayers on behalf of Kanan that God will give
him courage to remain faithful. Also pray that Kanan’s witness will draw
his family to Christ, and Pastor Rehmat will point many people to Jesus
as he continues abiding in the Holy Spirit.

Counting the Cost at a Young Age
On May 10, two adolescent boys decided to give their lives to
Jesus. Sixteen-year-old Bodhan Tambe gave his life to Jesus after his
friend and schoolmate Yash, a Christian in a GFA-supported congregation,
shared the good news with him.

When Bodhan’s parents found out, they angrily threatened to kick
their son out of the house if he went to church. However, he is still
trying to attend worship services.

The other young man, Kiranmay Mehta, faces a similar dilemma. When
his parents learned that he chose to follow Christ, they started abusing
him and prevented him from going to church.

Please pray that Bodhan and Kiranmay will stand strong in their new
faith and be able to worship with other believers. Also, please pray
that their families will receive salvation.

Please intercede for God to work mightily in each of these
situations, strengthening the believers and transforming the hearts of
those who are against Him and His followers.

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