Charisma Online July 2010

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Charisma Staff

Two-for-none Book Giveaway

Two-for-none Book Giveaway
Two-for-none Book Giveaway
Two-for-none Book Giveaway

Get two free New York Times best-sellers at no cost to you. Visit to enter to win Heaven Is So Real by Choo Thomas and Bill Wiese’s 23 Minutes in Hell. Be enlightened by their unique experiences of going to heaven and hell.


Suicide: Heaven or Hell
Suicide: Heaven or Hell

We recently struck a major chord on our Facebook page ( when we posed a tough question regarding suicide: If a person takes his own life, will he spend eternity in heaven or in hell? Chime in on the discussion at


A View of the Afterlife
A View of the Afterlife
Watch video testimonies from people who say they have had visions of heaven and hell at



Live chat with Bill Wiese
Live chat with Bill Wiese

Do you have a burning question about hell? Then join Charisma July 13 at 9 p.m. (EST) as we host a question-and-answer session with New York Times best-selling author Bill Wiese, who says he journeyed to hell and back. Travel to to reserve your spot on the call and to submit your questions.


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