7 Reasons Social Justice Begins in Israel

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Robert Stearns

One small nation has been accused in United Nations resolutions outlandishly more than any other. According to UN Watch, since 2015, Israel has been condemned by an unbelievable 112 U.N. General Assembly resolutions. Second place? Russia with … 12. A few other nations that barely made the list? The dictatorship of North Korea with a meager 6 resolutions, and the rogue Iranian leadership with only 5. China? A thunderous zero.

Numerous rogue dictatorships have committed gross human rights violations, while the democracy of Israel has been disproportionately singled out and targeted. But that same nation of Israel—about the size of New Jersey—continues to lead the way in stemming the tide of terrorism, fascism and totalitarianism.

There has been much discussion recently around the seeming decrease of support for Israel from younger evangelicals, who are increasingly viewing the world through a “social justice” lens, and/or may subscribe to some form of “replacement theology,” which basically states that Israel has fully fallen away from their God and has now been replaced by the church through belief in Jesus. This belief system can at times result in an antagonistic view towards the Jewish State.

I, for one, do not believe there is cause for concern on this temporary trend because the truth is that Israel, while imperfect like other nations, nonetheless has a unique national commitment to justice—one of the most highly developed in the world.

I have stated often, and repeat again here, that even if I were not a believer in the Bible, and had no religious viewpoint on Israel or the Jews, but simply had a moral compass based on “the common good,” my viewpoint on Israel and the ongoing conflict with the Palestinians would be the same. Plain and simple, supporting Israel is just the right thing to do! When you look at and truly understand the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Israel’s track record, it is clear that Israel is on the right side of history.

The following seven reasons are why I believe every individual truly committed to justice and willing to seek out the truth in pursuit of the common good should support Israel.

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