Spiritual Warfare

  • The Tongue: A Mighty Weapon

    Psalm 39:1-13 The tongue is a mighty weapon that can be used for good or for evil. When I was in Mexico teaching some young children, I asked them if they would like to disarm the devil. They all shouted, "Yes, we hate the devil." Then I instructed them to stick out their tongues. They…

  • You Can’t Take It With You!

    Matthew 24:29-51 There is an expectancy of the Lord's soon return that only the Holy Spirit can give. Paul had this expectancy, and nearly two thousand years later men and women all over the world believe in Jesus and are anticipating His return.

  • The Lord Shall Fight for You!

    Exodus 13:17-15:19 One of my favorite expressions is, "The victory is ours, and the battle is the Lord's." There have been many trials in my life, as there are in all of our lives. Jesus said that in the world we would have tribulation, but His exhortation was to be of good cheer, for He…

  • The Value of a Prayer Partner

    Matthew 18:1-22 It has been my privilege over my fifty-plus years as a Christian to always have a prayer partner. There are so many advantages in having a prayer partner. This passage in Matthew gives two very important reasons for us to pray with others. Jesus tells us, "Again I say unto you, that if…

  • Speak in the Spirit

    I [Paul] thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all. —1 Corinthians 14:18

  • Try the Spirits

    Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. —1 John 4:1

  • Idle Word Room

    Matthew 12:22-45 I have a friend who said she would probably spend the first 10,000 years in heaven in the "idle word room." It would take that long for the Lord to judge all of her idle words. Jesus said in Matthew 12:35-37, "A good man out of the good treasure of the heart brings…

  • The Lord Shall Be Your Confidence

    Proverbs 3:21-26 So often in life we are found in situations where we feel a lack of confidence. It may be the first day on a new job, the big interview for a job or simply a test we're taking in school. It is at these times we rely on this verse in Proverbs 3:26:…

  • Listening to the Heart

    Matthew 9:1-17 Jesus' response to the scribes who accused Him in their hearts of blasphemy was, "And Jesus knowing their thoughts said, Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts? For whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and walk? But that ye may know that the Son of…

  • Divine Bodyguards

    Proverbs 2:6-17 We witnessed in our church a dramatic conversion. A bodyguard for the Mafia was saved, and he shared with us some of his assignments as a bodyguard to Mafia leaders. He was charged to defend the Mafia leader with his own life. He was to check out where the Mafia leaders were to…

  • Let There Be No Strife

    Genesis 13:5-15:21 The herdsmen of Abraham's cattle and the herdsmen of Lot's cattle were in strife. Each of them probably thought the other had more grazing land than he did. Abraham's response to this strife was, "Is not the whole land before you?" There was plenty of land for both.

  • Protecting the Gates

    Proverbs 1:20-23 In ancient times most cities were walled cities. Jerusalem, for example, had twelve gates and high, thick walls. These walls were created to keep the enemies of the city from entering and destroying the city. Proverbs 16:32 says, "He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules…

  • Overcoming the World

    Matthew 3:7-4:11 We describe people as worldly when they are consumed with their own lusts. First John 2:16 tells us what these three lusts are: the lust of the eyes (greedy longings in our minds), the lust of the flesh (seeking sensual pleasure in obsessive, indulgent ways) and the pride of life (trusting in our…

  • Three Temptations

    Genesis 3:1-4:26 There are only three ways the enemy can tempt us. When God created Adam and Eve, they had three beautiful desires: the desire to worship God in all of His holiness, the desire to enjoy God and all of His creation, and the desire to glorify God or make His presence manifest on…

  • Learning War No More

    Micah 1:1-4:13 The Bible is clear about what causes war. James tells us that wars exist because of our own lusts. I am so thankful that no one in my immediate family ever had to fight in a war, because "war is hell." I heard the testimony of a Christian who was shot down in…

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