
  • Is Your Emotional Teen Driving You Crazy?

    Is Your Emotional Teen Driving You Crazy?

    Do you feel disconnected from your teen? Does it seem like your teen’s moods are running the household? Teens can be some of the most misunderstood and undervalued people. They are just as powerful in the spirit and what they hear from the Lord. Many of you have heard that there is no junior Holy

  • Eleven Children and a Global Mission

    Eleven Children and a Global Mission

    Todd and Beth Guckenberger connected at Indiana University where, they say, they majored in Campus Crusade (Cru). The mission trips they took then gave them a heart and a vision for the world. When they finished their education, they headed to Mexico to work with a mission there. Before long they were leading their own

  • True Love Witnessed by Acts of Service

    True Love Witnessed by Acts of Service

    This is the picture of true, agape, selfless, 1 Corinthians 13-type of love. My retired parents recently took both of my dogs to the groomer’s because my single mom, full-time, work-and-child Uber schedule would not allow me a chance to do so. After my parents dropped the furry children off, they stopped back by my

  • My Child is a Prodigal

    My Child is a Prodigal

    As a Christian parent, you pour your life, time and resources into your children. You pray and guide them to the best of your ability, expose them to Jesus and your church community. Then they choose a different path — the path of the prodigal. What can you do when someone who has your heart

  • Prayer For The Battle

    Prayer For The Battle

    The night our prodigal came to Christ, two additional events of great significance occurred. First God poured His love for him into me, assuring me I would need it. Yes, that was an understatement. Second, that began three sleepless nights engaged in fierce battle with the powers and principalities of the prince of the air.

  • Levi Lusko Discusses His New Kids Devotional, Roar Like a Lion

    Levi Lusko Discusses His New Kids Devotional, Roar Like a Lion

    One of the greatest joys we have as parents is to train up our kids in the way they should go, as Proverbs 22:6 states. Practically doing this can be challenging when faced with distractions, a busy schedule, the conflicting personalities of children and relating Scripture in a practical way to our kids’ lives. Levi

  • 5 Myths that Lead to Mom Guilt

    5 Myths that Lead to Mom Guilt

    Before I became a parent, I thought the term “mom guilt” was so silly. Why would all these lovely moms even think for a second that they weren’t good enough?! Clearly they were divinely chosen for the children God provided them … so what was the big deal? Hahaha … haha … ha … cue

  • Raising a Boy to be a Godly Man: 10 Practical Principles Moms Can Teach Their Sons

    Raising a Boy to be a Godly Man: 10 Practical Principles Moms Can Teach Their Sons

    Children are true blessings from God, even on the days we don’t feel like it. It is both an honor and a responsibility to raise a child up in the way he or she should go. “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart

  • Fair Doesn’t Live Here but Jesus Does

    Fair Doesn’t Live Here but Jesus Does

    Sheila Walsh is a bestselling author who’s sold almost six million books. She served as the co-host of a national television program and a core speaker on the wildly popular Women of Faith touring event with millions attending. But what most don’t know is that when Sheila was 5 years old, her father suffered a

  • Why Do They Do It? When Your Brother Is a Prodigal

    Why Do They Do It? When Your Brother Is a Prodigal

    I think Michelle started her counseling ministry before she was 12. Her friends often came to her for her wise counsel and her compassionate heart — and sometimes for a place to stay when things weren’t good at home. When God sent a 9-year-old boy to us as a foster child, she welcomed him gladly.

  • Raising Children the Way God Raises Us

    Raising Children the Way God Raises Us

    Kingdom leaders often expend tremendous time and energy building their teams and organizations, leaving little time to focus on their personal lives. Yet, 1 Timothy 3 reminds us that leadership starts at home. Those in our own household are the most immediate and consistent people we lead, and the way we parent is rapidly evolving.

  • Get Behind Me, Satan!

    Get Behind Me, Satan!

    We have been given authority in Jesus’ name, through the blood of Jesus and through the cross of Calvary to subdue an oppressive spirit. Jesus sets the scene for us in the book of Matthew chapter 16, verse 21 (NKJV): “From that time Jesus began to show to His disciples that He must go to

  • Every Teenager Figuring Out Faith Asks These 3 Questions

    Every Teenager Figuring Out Faith Asks These 3 Questions

    “I’ve been slowly reflecting more on what it means to be a Christian, and I feel like I still don’t know where exactly I fit into everything. I feel like I’m still trying to figure out my faith.” When a teenager in your life is struggling to figure out their faith, it can be scary.

  • Is the American Family Under Attack?

    Is the American Family Under Attack?

    For the first time in American history, we have more blended families than core families. Divorce or separation, remarriage (or no marriage), half and stepsiblings. Whatever your family situation, the family itself is being attacked, and it takes a godly battle plan to make it one day at a time. In addition to the attack

  • How You Can Know the Value and Importance of Family

    How You Can Know the Value and Importance of Family

    Several months ago my three brothers and I held a reunion in the beautiful mountains of Sedona, Arizona. We try to gather once every several years just the four of us for five or six days of spending quality time together to renew our family bond. We live in separate states, from Florida to South

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