
  • Share This With Your Wife At Your Own Risk

    Just what do men like to do best? When researchers for the Americans' Use of Time Project asked 2,500 adults to rank common activities on a scale of one to 10. The results ranged from predictable to scary.

  • Violence Aimed at Kids

    A study by the Federal Trade Commission released suggests that video game marketers and movie studios don't take seriously the entertainment industry's own self-regulation when it comes to keeping kids away from mature material.

  • Avoiding Substance Abuse

    The best protection against addiction is filling yourself full of the Word of God. The current statistics for substance abuse in our country are staggering. An estimated 13.6 million Americans are users of illicit drugs. Of that number, 9.9 percent are teens ages 12-17. Twelve million Americans are heavy drinkers. Illegal consumption of alcohol by

  • Toxic Tweaking: The Marriage Killer

    Looking to turn your marriage around? Stop trying to nit pick your spouse to perfection!Steve is the kind of guy you love to hate. He always has something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I were any better, I would be twins!" Steve's philosophy is…

  • 10 Ways to Sabotage Your Marriage

    10 Ways to Sabotage Your Marriage

    Life’s small irritations can ruin even the best marriages. Like a piece of sand in an oyster, small irritations in marriage will accumulate until they’re much bigger. Except in this case, you won’t end up with a beautiful pearl! Here are some “grains of sand” that can sabotage your marriage:  1. Be a flirt.  2.

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