Israel & Jewish Roots

  • What Every Christian Needs to Know About the End

    What Every Christian Needs to Know About the End

    Many students of Bible prophecy do not know what to make of fundamental Islam or how it figures into the end-times scenario. Perhaps what will be shocking to many is the most traditional Protestant Bible scholars of old believed that an Islamic and not an exclusively European paradigm will categorize the end times. Such a…

  • U.S. Urged to Place Sanctions on Iran

    During the 2008 campaign, President Obama said he was willing to sit down for talks with Iran about its nuclear program "without preconditions." Given Iran's long record of delay when it comes to such negotiations, the president clarified early on in his administration that he would not wait indefinitely for Iran to come to the…

  • The Fig Tree Is in Bloom

    The Fig Tree Is in Bloom

    Over the years I have accompanied thousands of people to the Holy Land. I am always thrilled to see people on these tours with their Bibles open, eagerly reading Old and New Testament passages that identify the very places they are seeing for themselves. I'll never forget an elderly gentleman in one group who kept…

  • The Meaning of Rosh Hashanah

    Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year observed by Israelis and in other parts of the world where Jews live. It marks the beginning of the Jewish calendar. The holiday calls for introspection, when Jews reflect on their lives and “repent for any wrongdoings" committed during the previous year. This act is called teshuvah. But you…

  • Is Messiah Coming Soon?

    Though Jesus clearly said of His return to the earth, "Of that day or hour no one knows" (Matt. 24:36, NKJV), there are signs throughout Scripture that point to the second coming of the Lord. One of them is the increasing number of Jewish people who are coming to recognize Yeshua (Jesus) as Messiah, and…

  • Pastor Uses Olives to Bless Israel

    An Oklahoma-based pastor and Bible teacher hopes to bolster Christian support for Israel by planting 1 million olive trees. Curt Landry, founder of House of David Ministries in Fairland, Okla., launched My Olive Tree ( in Israel to provide jobs for local residents while benefiting the Israeli economy. This fall, Landry will plant and dedicate…

  • Threats Against Israel Triggers International Prayer Event

    Christians around the country and in Israel will pray together simultaneously during the sixth annual Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem (DPPJ) held October 4. The prayer initiative is a response to growing threats, terrorist attacks and international pressure aimed at Israel. The event will take place in local churches in 175 nations, with more than 1,000 church leaders. "The Bible declared it. Jerusalem has…

  • Have Christians Betrayed Zion?

    Have Christians Betrayed Zion?

    We are on the brink of a spiritual breakthrough in the nation of Israel. Today, the number of Israeli Messianic Jewish believers is estimated at 12,000, with about 140 different congregations and home fellowships. God is birthing a new end-time movement of Jewish lovers in Yeshua that is becoming a prophetic voice to Israel as…

  • Looking Forward to the Fall

    Isaiah 22:1-24:23 Summer is my least favorite season, so I always search for reasons I can be thankful for this time. I hate to sweat, and Georgia in the summer is no place someone who hates to sweat.

  • In That Day

    Isaiah 12:1-14:32 We are still in the days of awe. I hope you are praying for your Jewish friends during this holy season for them. Pray for that veil to be dropped over their eyes and for the eyes of their understanding to be opened. This passage in Isaiah speaks about a special day that…

  • Awake: The Light Has Come

    Isaiah 8:1-9:21 As we continue to think of our Jewish brethren during these High Holy Days, we only have to wonder how they have missed seeing the Messiah clearly presented in their prophets, the psalms and even the Pentateuch. The only explanation is what Paul speaks clearly about in Romans. The Jewish people have a…

  • Revival, the Church and Israel

    Revival, the Church and Israel

    How do you define "revival"? To some, revival means longer, louder, emotionally packed services complete with signs and wonders. To others, revival is a semiannual, Sunday through Wednesday, camp-meeting style service that includes a guest speaker. Still others see it as an evangelistic campaign in which salvations and rededications are the only thing that matter.…

  • Praise Him in the Dance

    My trip to Israel in early spring was life changing. It was educational but most importantly spiritual. Yes, I "walked where Jesus walked" and peered into the Garden Tomb, but I also worshiped Him in song and dance. The music was unfamiliar to me, and I didn't know any of the choreography. But the Holy…

  • Extend God’s Kingdom in Tel Aviv

    When you arrive in Israel and drive past road signs to Jerusalem or Nazareth, it is easy to think you have just entered the biggest theme park in the world. Almost a million Christians visit Israel every year. As a native-born Israeli, I am blessed to see these groups walking the land and discovering the…

  • Muslims to Pray in D.C.

    Muslims to Pray in D.C.

    A New Jersey mosque is spearheading a national prayer rally in Washington, D.C., that organizers expect to attract tens of thousands of Muslims to pray for the soul of America. Describing the event as the first-ever of its kind, leaders of Dar-ul-Islam in Elizabeth, N.J., expect 50,000 Muslims from around the world to gather for…

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