Israel & Jewish Roots

  • Gathering Israel Unto the Lord

    Gathering Israel Unto the Lord

    We are living in the last days, and many of the prophecies in God's Word about Israel have been fulfilled. One of these main prophecies is in our reading in Jeremiah today. The prophet Jeremiah speaks of a time when Israel will no longer say, "'The Lord lives who brought up the children of Israel…

  • Gathering Unto the Lord

    Jeremiah 14:11-16:15 We are living in the last days, and many of the prophecies in God's Word about Israel have been fulfilled. One of these main prophesies is in our reading in Jeremiah today. The prophet Jeremiah speaks of a time when Israel will no longer say, "'The Lord lives who brought up the children…

  • Let Yeshua ‘Tabernacle’ in You

    The Jewish holiday Sukkot, which is also known as the Festival of Booths or the Feast of Tabernacles, is celebrated not only in the Holy Land, but also around the world. Jews call it the “season of joy” because Messiah was born. In biblical times, Jews journeyed to Jerusalem to commemorate the children of Israel’s

  • 10 Places You Should See (in Israel) Before You Die

    10 Places You Should See (in Israel) Before You Die

    Nearly everyone has a special place he would like to visit during his lifetime. For many people, that place is Israel. The mere mention of the country's name evokes a wide range of emotions, one of which is longing. For thousands of years, Israel has held great significance for people from all walks of life,…

  • A Sign of the Times

    A Sign of the Times

    Though Jesus clearly said of His return to the earth, "Of that day or hour no one knows" (Matt. 24:36, NKJV), there are signs throughout Scripture that point to the second coming of the Lord. One of them is the increasing number of Jewish people who are coming to recognize Yeshua (Jesus) as Messiah, and…

  • Christians Gather in Jerusalem to Show Support for Israel

    Christians Gather in Jerusalem to Show Support for Israel

    Some 5,000 Christians from 100 nations marched through the streets of Jerusalem Tuesday to show their solidarity with the nation of Israel. March participants waved Zionist banners and flags, while others wore T-shirts that read "Jerusalem United" as part of a campaign responding to political pressure on Israel to stop construction in the largely Arab…

  • Ancient Synagogue Uncovered Near Sea of Galilee

    Ancient Synagogue Uncovered Near Sea of Galilee

    The Israel Antiquities Authority in Migdal near the Sea of Galilee discovered a 2,000-year-old synagogue from the Second Temple period this month during archaeological excavations. The 390-square-foot synagogue contains mosaic floors and walls covered with frescos. Also, a square stone featuring sides adorned with reliefs and engraved with a seven-branched menorah was discovered in the…

  • Celebrating Yom Kippur

    Jewish people celebrate holy days throughout the year with special observances, ceremonies and activities. Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Atonement, is said to be the holiest day of the year for religious Jews. During this special time, Jewish people pray, fast and repent of their sins. Yeshua made atonement not only for God’s chosen people, but for

  • Petitioners Seek to Try Ahmadinejad

    Petitioners Seek to Try Ahmadinejad

    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad last week addressed the United Nations General Assembly. This man, who stole his re-election and violently suppresses his political opponents, sought to teach the world about democracy. Ahmadinejad, who persecutes religious minorities and tortures civic activists, presumed to lecture the world about human rights. He denies the Holocaust and has threatened…

  • Loving God’s Instructions

    Loving God’s Instructions

    In Psalm 119, the writer expresses his devotion and love for God by seeking to obey the Word. He says, "With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments!" (Ps. 119:10). When we were children we might have rebelled against our parents' instructions, not realizing the purpose for their rules.…

  • Charisma Launches Israel Virtual Marketplace Online

     For readers wanting to visit the Holy Land to learn about ancient biblical history and experience Jewish culture, Charisma magazine has created Israel Virtual Marketplace, an interactive online destination that launched Thursday.The site was created in response to the growing interest in the Holy Land by readers who want to go behind the scenes to…

  • Turnout at Muslim Rally Lower Than Expected

    Turnout at Muslim Rally Lower Than Expected

    A Muslim prayer rally on Capitol Hill Friday drew between 3,000 and 5,000 participants, a figure well below the 50,000 organizers hoped to attract. Among those gathered were several dozen protestors. Some stood at the rear of the crowd holding Bibles and praying. Others yelled "repent" from across the street, where they gathered with banners…

  • The Life of Jesus

    Isaiah 51:1-53:12 One would think it would be impossible to read all about the life of Jesus in the Old Testament. There are, however, many prophetic scriptures in the Old Testament about the life and death of Jesus. Our reading in Isaiah today has one of the most famous ones. I have a friend who…

  • The Light of Yeshua Has Come

    The Light of Yeshua Has Come

    As we continue to think of our Jewish brethren during these High Holy Days, we only have to wonder how they have missed seeing the Messiah clearly presented in their prophets, the psalms and even the Pentateuch. The only explanation is what Paul speaks clearly about in Romans. The Jewish people have a veil over…

  • Is This King David’s Palace?

    Buried deep beneath the earth in the outskirts of Jerusalem’s Old City are said to be the ruins of King David’s palace. World-renowned archaeologist Eilat Mazar unearthed ruins from the Second Temple Period, and beneath those remains she discovered the foundation of David’s palace, inscriptions of Hebrew names and other ancient artifacts. The palace is said to…

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