Israel & Jewish Roots

  • Hearts Made of Stone

    Hearts Made of Stone

    There was a song in the late fifties called "Hearts Made of Stone." I'm sure the writer of this song had no idea he was quoting Scripture. The promise to Israel in Ezekiel 11:19 is, "Then I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within them, and take the stony…

  • Who Were the Galileans in the Days of Jesus?

    Jesus was a Galilean. That much we know. The question of who exactly the Galileans were during biblical times is a much more complicated matter. The origins and identity of the people dwelling in this northernmost part of Israel at the time of the Second Temple remains an unsolved and fascinating riddle of history—made even…

  • Foundational Teachings About Yeshua

    Before I took a pilgrimage to Israel in March, I was unsure of what Messianic Jews believe. Many of my questions were answered when I met believers in Yeshua from around the world on the airplane, in the Old City, at the market and in other places in Israel. Jesus destroyed the barriers that keep…

  • Don’t Be Afraid

    I had an experience with fear that almost robbed me of a trip to Israel. My husband was thinking of taking our two oldest boys and me to Israel with a tour our church was sponsoring. I was enthusiastic about the trip until I received a call from my prayer partner. My prayer partner called…

  • The Promise of Blessing

    The Promise of Blessing

    Although the entire civilized world recognizes the teaching of Messiah, His promise of blessing extends beyond the spiritual realm into everyday life. In fact, if you have a cell phone, a huge company in Israel probably made your antenna. In the reading this week drawn from Genesis 12: 1 17: 27, the Creator tells Abram…

  • Preparing for the Return of Messiah

    Preparing for the Return of Messiah

    Journeying to the isolated state of Mizoram in northeastern India, Rabbi Jonathan Bernis and his team offer food and medical care to 5,000 Bnei Menashe—a starving community believed to be descended from one of the lost tribes of Israel, the Manasseh. Taken into captivity when Assyria conquered Israel 2,700 years ago, the tribe's oral histories…

  • First-Time Visitors to Israel Fall in Love With Holy Land

    First-Time Visitors to Israel Fall in Love With Holy Land

    It was a passage in Zechariah 14 that clinched it for Susan Jones, a Christian supporter of Israel from the United Kingdom. Immediately after reading the passage, Susan knew the time was right to plan her first trip to Israel. "I was reading the book of Zechariah where it says that the nations will come…

  • Are Jewish Feasts the Key to Yeshua’s Return?

    The three Jewish holidays observed by Jews around the world include Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Passover. These holidays are not only important to Jews and many Christians; they play a significant role in biblical prophecy. Do these high, holy days hold the key to Yeshua's return? Many believers think so. To discover why, watch…

  • Lawmakers Apologize for Describing Jews as ‘Penny Pinchers’

    South Carolina Republicans James Ulmer and Edwin Merwin have publicly apologized for describing Jews as penny pinchers in a newspaper op-ed piece the lawmakers co-authored. Ulmer and Merwin, who serve as chairmen in the state’s Republican Party, came under fire early this week after the article was published Sunday in the Orangeburg Times & Democrat.The

  • Why We Must Protect, Respect God’s Word

    Why We Must Protect, Respect God’s Word

    Torah-observant Jews are extremely respectful of the Torah scroll. In each synagogue, the Torah scroll is placed in a special case called an ark. The scroll is rolled up, and a beautiful, embroidered cover is placed over the scroll to keep dust from collecting on it. When the time comes to remove the scroll for…

  • Noah: The Dishonored Parent

    Noah: The Dishonored Parent

    In the second weekly reading of the Torah, Noach (Noah), we meet a man of God building an ark at his Master's direction. This ark, built in a dry desert must have seemed so strange to the neighbors. "Hey, look at that nut, Noah; his god told him to build a huge boat, far from…

  • To the Jew First

    The book of Romans would be incomplete without a masterful treatise on the plight of God's people, the Jews. Paul provides this treatise in chapters 9-11 of the book. The setting for the story is this: The Jews, God's chosen people, are about to be temporarily displaced from their active role in God's kingdom. Their…

  • Finding Yeshua in Unexpected Places

    During my pilgrimage to the Holy Land, I saw numerous young people going about their daily lives. I thought to myself how difficult it must be for them to learn about Yeshua, that He was born in their homeland, died on the cross and got up from the grave not far from where many of

  • In the Beginning

    In the Beginning

    Last week, Simchat Torah was celebrated in synagogues all over the world. Immediately upon reading the last portion of Deuteronomy, the Torah scroll containing the Five Books of Moses, is rolled back to the beginning, to B'resheet and Genesis 1:1-5 is read. This way we remember that the Torah is God's never-ending teaching for right…

  • Dead Sea Makes Final Cut in 7 Wonders of Nature Competition

    The Dead Sea, the lowest place on earth and one of Israel’s most popular tourist sites, is one of 28 finalists in the 7 Wonders of Nature, an international online competition that grades the seven natural wonders of the world. To reach the final shortlist, the Dead Sea beat out approximately 440 sites from 220

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