Prophetic Fire

  • Prophetic Word: It’s Time to Step into Your Kingdom Assignment

    Prophetic Word: It’s Time to Step into Your Kingdom Assignment

    I’ve been hearing the Lord say that this new era will be one of abundance. Like in the parable of the talents in Matthew 25, there will be a “settling of accounts,” and for those who have been faithful with what they’ve been given and are being conformed to His image, they will receive increased

  • Prophetic Dream; Shaking the Gates of Hell With a Basin of Water and a Towel

    Prophetic Dream; Shaking the Gates of Hell With a Basin of Water and a Towel

    Recently, as I was waking up, a dream slipped into the bedroom and curiously awakened me. In this dream, I was standing in a bathroom with several inches of water. As I looked down, I was barefoot. I then woke up wondering what that was about. I wanted to call someone for an interpretation, but

  • Prophetic Dream: A Screening of the Final Victory of the King of Kings

    Prophetic Dream: A Screening of the Final Victory of the King of Kings

    The midnight hour was upon me. I was discouraged after a long tour of duty in the Tonkin Gulf during the Vietnam War aboard the USS Coral Sea. Months of nervous excitement as a Navy chaplain, 17 memorial services for fallen pilots and physical weariness had brought me low. I was in desperate need of

  • Prophetic Word: The Set Time of Favor Has Come

    Prophetic Word: The Set Time of Favor Has Come

    Recently I have been hearing the words in my spirit: “for the set time to favor her has come.” God sets the timing for favor to be released, according to His purposes for specific seasons. The body of Christ is being established now and positioned by God into a new sphere of supernatural favor to

  • Hank Kunneman Prophesies: Pay Attention to the Sound of the Lion

    Hank Kunneman Prophesies: Pay Attention to the Sound of the Lion

    “Do you hear the sound of My footsteps walking and moving among the earth at this time?” says the living God. “And yet you have stood in the place of the spirit of agreement with Me, declaring: ‘Let the Lion roar!’ Do you really understand what you have added your decree and agreement with? For

  • Prophetic Word: Are You Waiting for the Wave to Hit?

    Prophetic Word: Are You Waiting for the Wave to Hit?

    I was standing on the shore, with the water lapping over my feet up to my ankles. Then all the water began to rush back toward the sea, leaving my feet on dry ground. The Lord spoke to me and said that this was a picture of what will happen this year. We are standing

  • The Time Has Come: Reclaim Your Path and Write History

    The Time Has Come: Reclaim Your Path and Write History

    Last week I was asking the Lord what was on His heart for the pioneers when my spirit began to flood with His thoughts and insight, so I quickly took out my phone and wrote down what came to me. The Pen, the Key and the New Chapter The first thing I received was a

  • Prophetic Word: Watch for God to Bring Waves of Change in 2022

    Prophetic Word: Watch for God to Bring Waves of Change in 2022

    Word of the Lord given on Jan. 27, 2022: Praise be to Almighty God who is high and lifted up, who spoke to the mountains and they were; who spoke and light came forth! The earth is indeed His footstool. All glory and honor and power to Him forever and ever, amen. A Revealing Geyser

  • Prophetic Minister Encourages Partnering with the Holy Spirit in 2022

    Prophetic Minister Encourages Partnering with the Holy Spirit in 2022

    I was staring at the “Trust God” sign on the wall this morning as I was in His presence. The Spirit of the Lord began to speak to me. He spoke about those in ministry; people who want ministry opportunity and growth and people already in ministry. His people are worn out and overworked because

  • Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘Live in the Instant With Me’

    Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘Live in the Instant With Me’

    Beloved, the Lord has been talking with me about accessing the blessed life that He has for all of us. And today, I felt His burden to speak to us about how to access that blessed life. This morning, I heard the Lord say: “Let’s talk about laziness. “Did you know that you can be

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘Your Anointing Has Not Left You’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘Your Anointing Has Not Left You’

    “You are anointed, and your anointing has not left you” is what I recently heard the Spirit of the Lord say while I was in worship and prayer before my Sunday-night web church service. It was for the people of God. He said, “Tell My people they are anointed, and their anointing has not left

  • Dutch Sheets Prophesies: God Is Turning Things Around

    Dutch Sheets Prophesies: God Is Turning Things Around

    America’s turnaround began years ago. God is way ahead of the times, seeing and declaring the end from the beginning (Isa. 46:10). He is the only individual who doesn’t start at the beginning. God starts at the end, backs up to the beginning and implements His plan. This means He is never caught by surprise

  • Cindy Jacobs Prophesies: The Lord Says, ‘I Want You to Dream Young’

    Cindy Jacobs Prophesies: The Lord Says, ‘I Want You to Dream Young’

    I just wanted to share a word of encouragement with you. I just love these words of encouragement. We get such good feedback. People say, “Wow, I really needed to hear that today.” Well, I’m going to tell you a little secret. Sometimes, it’s just a spur of the moment kind of prophecy, but I

  • Prophetic Word: Releasing Redemption in Dark Times

    Prophetic Word: Releasing Redemption in Dark Times

    The year 2022 is here, and we are bearing witness to unprecedented shifts around the world. We are seeing an increase in disease, natural disasters, violence and war—all of which are tearing at the fabric of communities on a global scale. We are also living in an unprecedented hour of prophetic fulfillment. The earth is

  • Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘Step Out of the Revolving Doors’

    Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘Step Out of the Revolving Doors’

    As I was meditating on Isaiah 22:22 (KJV), “And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so, he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open,” the Spirit of God showed me a picture of a revolving door. I heard, “Tell my people

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