Prophetic Fire

  • Chuck Pierce Prophesies: The Lord Says, ‘Anticipate Recovery and Breakthrough’

    Chuck Pierce Prophesies: The Lord Says, ‘Anticipate Recovery and Breakthrough’

    Glory of Zion International Ministries President Chuck Pierce recently released this prophetic word: “I hear the Lord saying, ‘Anticipate recovery and breakthrough. We need to allow our emotions to go through the recovery and not rush. So, we see the breakthrough blessings that are on the horizon for each one of us. We’re moving from

  • Prophetic Word: 2022 Will Bring a Second Wave of Refining Fire

    Prophetic Word: 2022 Will Bring a Second Wave of Refining Fire

    “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our ‘God is a consuming fire'” (Heb. 12:28-29, NIV). A Second Wave Over the last couple of years, there has been a sifting and refining that has taken place in

  • Prophecy: Abounding in Your Field

    Prophecy: Abounding in Your Field

    A Prophetic Word for This Year, Season and Era! “Abounding in the fields.” The Lord told me back in late January and early February of 2020 that in this season… the ekklesia is awakening; the ekklesia is arising; the ekklesia is advancing; and the ekklesia is about to abound! It’s our time to abound in

  • We’re Entering the Time Biblical Prophecy Calls ‘The Valley of Decision’

    We’re Entering the Time Biblical Prophecy Calls ‘The Valley of Decision’

    In this day of increasing lawlessness, the world will witness the difference between those who walk in the light and those who walk in darkness. For this reason, it is crucial that we have God’s law within our hearts. When His law is in our hearts, we do what is right even when no one

  • Let God Arise and His Enemies Be Scattered

    Let God Arise and His Enemies Be Scattered

    Prophetic Word Received December 17, 2021 Praise be to the Lord God, King of kings and Lord of lords. Lord of hosts, Creator of the heavens and the earth, who laughs at the wicked and to His kingdom, there is no end. A Smoldering Is Happening “There is a smoldering happening, My children; a smoldering

  • Restore the Spark; A Call to Return to First Love

    Restore the Spark; A Call to Return to First Love

    Where are we going? We are returning to the heights from which we have fallen, reattaching to the heart of our Beloved. Fitting that the Holy Spirit would choose John the Beloved and Revelator to write to the Church of Ephesus this message from God the Father, delivered to him by an angel, “”To the

  • What the Lord Prophesied on New Year’s Eve

    What the Lord Prophesied on New Year’s Eve

    This is not a light and fluffy or dreamy prophetic word being regurgitated by a timid minister who is trying to convince their congregants to think happy thoughts to disguise their own fear as they apprehensively move into the new year. Neither is it a positive, powerful word to trick listeners into believing that 2022

  • Charlie Shamp: The Lord Says, ‘They Will Be Given Revelation 3:16’

    Charlie Shamp: The Lord Says, ‘They Will Be Given Revelation 3:16’

    In the early morning hours, as I was in deep prayer, I went into a vision. In this encounter I found myself being taken through an open door. Suddenly, I was standing in the mouth of the Lord. As I looked, I saw many who considered themselves to be born-again Christians committing heartbreaking acts of

  • What Is God Saying for 2022?

    What Is God Saying for 2022?

    I am so excited about what God has in store for this coming year, 2022, the year of our Lord! Father is inviting us all to have a holy expectancy, a hopeful confidence and joyful faith about what He is doing. Holy Spirit is encouraging us, saying: “As amazing as My presence has been in

  • His Resurrection Power Is Bringing Forth Your Comeback

    His Resurrection Power Is Bringing Forth Your Comeback

    Recently I heard the Lord speaking over many people: “It’s My resurrection power [that’s] bringing forth your comeback.” I saw many men and women who have been in a time of great shaking and breaking, feeling as if they’ve been “knocked out” or disqualified. The day-to-day fight has been exhausting and has left them living

  • God’s Perfect Alignment and Goodness

    God’s Perfect Alignment and Goodness

    The Lord has been speaking to me for a while now about the perfect alignment that He is doing within the body of Christ. “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever” (Ps. 23:6, MEV). The word “alignment” has,

  • What’s Happening Prophetically in 2022?

    What’s Happening Prophetically in 2022?

    Lord, what do You want to speak to the church today? I have called you to be a nation of leaders, not a nation of followers. You are to lead and not to follow (Deut. 28:1-14). You are to initiate and not react. You are to hear My voice, discern My purposes, receive YOUR assignment

  • True Disciples Know His Voice and Follow

    True Disciples Know His Voice and Follow

    The first thing Jesus said to the first ones He called to follow Him was, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matt. 4:19b). This was about more than just relating to them in their current profession. This is basic to following Him. Fishermen catch fish, so how would one catch men?

  • A New Era: Great Storms, New Faces & a Turning Over of Events & Legislation

    A New Era: Great Storms, New Faces & a Turning Over of Events & Legislation

    Prophetic Word Released from Pastor Hank Kunneman on November 19, 2021: The Spirit of the Lord says, “Are you ready to see the new that I shall bring unto you? For there is a new season; there is a new era that is among the earth. Look with your eyes. No, I do not only

  • Cindy Jacobs Prophesies, ‘The Lord Says I Am Wooing You’

    Cindy Jacobs Prophesies, ‘The Lord Says I Am Wooing You’

    The Holy Spirit showed me a vision of people. You’re worshipping; you’re trying to worship. You’re worshipping in your home or worshipping at church but you don’t have a lot of feelings. It kind of bothers you, as you’re trying to tell the Lord how much you love Him. You’re doing it in faith. This

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