A Spirit of Anarchy Is Rising in the Nations

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Jennifer LeClaire

The spirit of anarchy is rising in the earth at a rampant rate. News headlines reveal how this spirit has gained a foothold beyond the entertainment industry into governments of the earth. This is a dangerous trend, and one that will escalate in the end times.

I’m going to show you some clear examples exposing the spirit of anarchy in the nations—and even in the church. I’ll also share a prophetic word about anarchy that I released on June 24, 2022, and, of course, pray.

Maya Hawke, star of Stranger Things and daughter of celebrities Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke, was so enraged over the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision that she said, “[Expletive] the Supreme Court” on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. Fallon replied, “I appreciate you saying that. Thank you for saying that message.”

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton was so incensed with Clarence Thomas that she went for his jugular, calling the Supreme Court justice “a person of resentment, grievance and anger” since they went to law school together. That’s one of the best examples of the pot calling the kettle black I’ve ever heard. How about you?

Whoopi Goldberg sent a blistering warning to Justice Thomas about his interracial marriage. She said, “You better hope that they don’t come for you, Clarence, and say ‘you should not be married to your wife,’ who happens to be white.”

You’d expect anarchy spirits to influence entertainers and socialistic politicians, but what’s more disturbing is the anarchy in the church. Some megachurch pastors were silent on the Roe issue, but others came out and insisted that women have the right to kill their babies if they want to. Indeed, this issue hasn’t just divided a nation; it’s divided the body of Christ.

What is ultimately behind much of this anarchy?

Click here to listen to my podcast.

Jennifer LeClaire is senior leader of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, founder of the Ignite Network and founder of the Awakening Blaze prayer movement. She is also the author of over 25 books. Find her online at jenniferleclaire.org or email her at [email protected].

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