Fri. Oct 4th, 2024

Pray for Haiti Like Your Life Depended on It

The nation of Haiti is the last thing most Americans are thinking about these days. It’s the poorest nation in the Western hemisphere and its problems seem unsolvable. So we basically don’t care.

But last week, a group of church and ministry leaders gathered in Haiti for three days of emergency prayer and fasting. American missionary Danita Estrella Watts, who has worked to help Haitian children for 22 years, says 200 churches participated in the prayer event from October 29-31 to ask for God’s intervention in the troubled nation.

“The people of Haiti have had enough and are fighting back!” said Danita, whose ministry—Danita’s Children—runs an orphanage, school and hospital in the eastern side of the country. “We know that the battle belongs to the Lord!”

Haiti has been in news headlines multiple times this year, all for the worst reasons. On July 7, Haitian President Jovenel Moise was assassinated after months of political unrest. Then on August 14, Haiti was hit by a 7.2 earthquake—and relief workers who tried to bring supplies to the shattered country couldn’t reach victims because Tropical Storm Grace slammed ashore two days later.

And throughout 2021, violent gangs have taken control of much of the country, forcing some people to abandon their homes. The gangs have kidnapped more than 600 people this year, demanding exorbitant ransoms. They have kidnapped students from schools and they have even abducted pastors while they were preaching their sermons.

And then on October 17, a group of 17 American missionaries—including five children—were kidnapped by a gang known as 400 Mawozo. The mission workers, all from an Ohio-based group known as Christian Aid Ministries, are still in custody near Haiti’s capital of Port-au-Prince and their captors are demanding $17 million for their safe return.

A Christian Aid spokesperson has said that the gang has threated to shoot the missionaries. Local Haitian leaders say this is one of the most brazen acts by the terrorists yet because in the past they were not likely to attack foreigners.

I’m asking Christians all over the United States to unite with our Haitian brothers and sisters to cry out for a divine intervention. Please mobilize your church to pray. Call a fast and intensify your intercession (I plan to fast on Thursday, Nov. 4 but you can pick a day soon that works for you and your church.) Here are specific things we must pray:

1. Pray for a release of the 17 abducted missionaries. Christian Aid, which represents many Amish and Mennonite churches, released a statement in late October that said: “As we approach the two-week mark, we continue to pray that God would protect the hostages and give them grace to respond with Christ-like love in the face of evil. We pray for the kidnappers, that God would soften their hearts and draw them to Himself. Our prayers are also with the families as they wait day after day for the release of their loved ones.”

2. Pray for an end to the reign of voodoo in Haiti. A majority of Haitian people still believe in witchcraft and practice some form of voodoo, which glorifies Satan and unleashes demon spirits to wreak havoc on the country. This dark idolatry has brought indescribable suffering to Haiti—and is the only explanation to why chaos reigns there. Take authority over this spirit of witchcraft and pray that the light of the gospel will replace the darkness.

3. Pray for the establishment of a new government of peace and order in Haiti. The level of crime and civil unrest has grown so bad in Haiti that the U.S. State Department issued a Do Not Travel advisory in August. The absence of order has disrupted education, ravaged the economy and plunged the nation into despair. Hospitals have shut down because of lack of electricity, neonatal intensive care units have run out of oxygen, gasoline costs $15 a gallon—thus shutting down most transportation—and truck drivers who are still on the road risk being kidnapped.

Haiti is experiencing a literal nightmare. And yet we know our God is able to intervene when His people humble themselves and pray. Let’s link arms with our friends in Haiti. Let’s call on God to rescue a troubled nation:

Lord Jesus,

You taught us in Matthew 6:13 to pray, “Deliver us from evil.” We pray this now for the nation of Haiti. Deliver the Haitian people from violence, poverty, disaster and chaos. Establish godly leaders in positions of power so they can rebuild the government, the economy and the social structure. Deliver the Haitian people from violent gangs and bring criminals to justice. Deliver the Haitian people from superstition, witchcraft and the idolatry of voodoo so that spiritual darkness can be replaced by love and righteousness. And establish true peace in Haiti, so that aid workers, missionaries, doctors, nurses and carriers of Your mercy can travel once again to this land to bring hope. And most of all, let the Gospel of Jesus Christ spread rapidly in Haiti until all know about Your love and forgiveness. Amen. {eoa]

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By J. Lee Grady

J. Lee Grady is an author, award-winning journalist and ordained minister. He served as a news writer and magazine editor for many years before launching into full-time ministry. Lee is the author of six books, including 10 Lies the Church Tells Women, 10 Lies Men Believe and Fearless Daughters of the Bible. His years at Charisma magazine also gave him a unique perspective of the Spirit-filled church and led him to write The Holy Spirit Is Not for Sale and Set My Heart on Fire, which is a Bible study on the work of the Holy Spirit.

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