Wayne Hilsden

  • Passing the Torch of Truth About Israel

    Passing the Torch of Truth About Israel

    A few years ago I spoke at a conference plenary session at a prominent Christian university. The preceding speaker was an Arab Christian peace activist. The next day the two of us hosted a Q&A session on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Although my Arab Christian colleague and I differ on some critical issues, we are friends.

  • Top 7 Reasons Why You Need to Visit Israel

    Top 7 Reasons Why You Need to Visit Israel

    This summer marks our 30th year as pastors at King of Kings Community in Jerusalem. My wife, Ann, and I still pinch ourselves because we get to do this! From time to time, I’ve toured Israel with “newbies,” and often they’re pastors. It’s fascinating to get a fresh look at Israel through their eyes and to watch

  • Making a Case for the Garden Tomb

    Making a Case for the Garden Tomb

    When you enter its gates, you are not ushered into a sacred shrine. There are no candles, no incense. Instead, you enter a mini paradise of majestic trees, luxuriant plants and beautiful flowers. If you glance to your left and below a small crag, you see a tomb carved by hand into large, smooth rock.…

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