Verna M. Linzey

  • 7 Ways Tongues is Tied to The Christian Experience

    7 Ways Tongues is Tied to The Christian Experience

    Read time: 5 minutes 21 seconds There are numerous viewpoints from a wide variety of writers on why people should receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit as confirmed by speaking in tongues. When we genuinely engage scripture, we see supporting evidence of the command to receive it. It is impossible to disentangle or separate

  • Liberals Who Say the Samaritans Spoke in Tongues

    Liberals Who Say the Samaritans Spoke in Tongues

    Many people throughout the theological spectrum assert, based on the argument of silence, that the Samaritans did not speak in tongues. But many, based on the Greek, do, including numerous liberal theologians. Their arguments are compelling. They have made wonderful contributions to the discussion, which support Pentecostals’ arguments that tongues did not cease, but was

  • 4 Results of the Day of Pentecost

    4 Results of the Day of Pentecost

    The whole drama of the book of Acts is a reflex of the activity of the Holy Spirit in the lives of yielded disciples and apostles—people who were willing to listen and follow, without question, the leading of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was in charge of things, not simply as a behind-the-scenes observer,

  • Verna Linzey: The Spirit at Sinai and Pentecost

    Verna Linzey: The Spirit at Sinai and Pentecost

    The Day of Pentecost in the Old Testament commemorated the events of Sinai. When God encountered His people at Sinai, God entered into a different kind of relationship with an entire nation. On the Day of Pentecost in the New Testament, God entered into a new relationship, not only with individuals but with the collective

  • Verna Linzey: The Holy Spirit, Our Ally

    Verna Linzey: The Holy Spirit, Our Ally

    Probably the most well-known name for the Holy Spirit is the Paraclete, often translated as the Counselor or Advocate. He is a personal helper. The Holy Spirit is the ever-present, ever-welcome, divine Paraclete (Comforter/Counselor). No English word adequately translates the Greek word parakletos, according to A.L. Lastinger in “The Parakletos: Our Holy Ally,” particularly in

  • Verna Linzey: Spirit Baptism: A Fresh Perspective

    Verna Linzey: Spirit Baptism: A Fresh Perspective

    The definition of “the baptism with the Holy Spirit” is the reception of the Holy Spirit as confirmed by speaking in tongues. Many people wonder why we use the term “baptism.” David du Plessis, in The Spirit Bade Me Go, explains that God gave the word to John the Baptist when John told the people,

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