Tony Myers

  • What the Placebo Effect Shows Us About the Miraculous

    What the Placebo Effect Shows Us About the Miraculous

    All day long according to science your body is tirelessly thwarting nasty unseen organisms called germs, bacteria, and viruses. In a healthy body we don’t even think about it. Science attributes our health to the immune system. We, as Christian’s attribute good health to God, because he created the human body. Carnal-minded scientists won’t attribute

  • Our Forgotten Identity

    Our Forgotten Identity

    I remember as a little boy watching the sitcom “Happy Days.” My favorite character was the Fonz, wasn’t he everyone’s favorite? The Fonz was the ultimate cool cat, the rebel who had a soft loving side that would pop out when those who looked up to him, needed him the most. The leather jacket with

  • Grow in Confidence That You Are Protected by Holy Spirit

    Grow in Confidence That You Are Protected by Holy Spirit

    The day it happened was a Friday, it was a great day. Earlier that day I had gone to the post office to send off a microphone that I was giving to a friend, and a book that my website manager was to give a friend of his. I also had quite a few ministry

  • A Better Way to Witness to Others for Christ

    A Better Way to Witness to Others for Christ

    ”Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?” (Rom. 2:4). Looking retrospectively at my past as an atheist, I can see where God continually showed up with His goodness. Time

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