Suzette Caldwell

  • Getting in Touch With God

    Prayer is intimate communication, not a religious formula. Here are some strategies that will help you connect with God in a powerful way.

    God is calling His people to communicate better with Him and for Him—to get in touch with Him in a way that makes a difference.  It is time for the church to learn to pray adult, knowledgeable, well-informed, intelligent, strategic, Scripture-based prayers that will help bring the supernatural plans of God into earthly reality and destroy the works of the devil. Time has run out for prayers that are based on selfish needs and that reflect culture, custom and tradition.

    In order to heed the call, we must first make sure we understand the basic purpose for prayer and how to effectively use it. Prayer is a supernatural tool created by God that allows natural human beings to communicate with Him in the supernatural realm. It was created for His purposes, not man’s purposes.

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