Shane Idleman

  • Spirit-Filled Pastor: Is Trump Using Christians?

    Spirit-Filled Pastor: Is Trump Using Christians?

    If you can believe this, a group of Christian Republicans is warning other Christians and Republicans not to vote for President Trump in the 2020 election. An ad titled “Trump is Using Us” was released on Tuesday on the Republican Voters Against Trump YouTube channel. Like many, I’m perplexed by the divide in the Christian

  • What Jen Hatmaker Got Right and Wrong About Her Daughter’s Lesbian Identity

    What Jen Hatmaker Got Right and Wrong About Her Daughter’s Lesbian Identity

    Jen Hatmaker recently celebrated her daughter’s lesbian identity, saying, “I’m so glad you’re gay.” Many say that we cannot take a position on homosexuality because all positions will hurt someone. Here’s my question: “Are those who defend homosexuality, or who say nothing, truly loving the homosexual, or are they simply seeking to avoid conflict?” If

  • Shane Idleman: Post-Pandemic Pastors and the Sin of Silence

    Shane Idleman: Post-Pandemic Pastors and the Sin of Silence

    Let me state up front that countless pastors and Christian leaders are currently doing amazing things. Many of them, such as Jack Graham, James Robison, Jack Hibbs, Michael Brown and Jim Garlow, have invested into my life, and I praise God daily for them. But there is also a disturbing trend taking place. As I’ve

  • Shane Idleman: A Biblical Perspective on the Destabilization of America

    Shane Idleman: A Biblical Perspective on the Destabilization of America

    It seems that everyone is sensing the destabilization of America. Even billionaire Elon Musk recently commented, “We must get to Mars. Civilization isn’t looking all that stable here.” Books could be written on how we got to this point, but let me offer just a few thoughts from a biblical perspective. You can also hear

  • Lifting the Veil of Deception Surrounding COVID-19 Conspiracies, Ungodly Agendas

    Lifting the Veil of Deception Surrounding COVID-19 Conspiracies, Ungodly Agendas

    In 1787, a woman asked Ben Franklin what sort of government the Founding Fathers had given the people. He said, “A Republic,” then added, “if you can keep it.” America, with all its spots and blemishes, is still a true gift from God … if we can keep it. As of now, we have the

  • Spirit-Filled Pastor: Is Your Blessing Waiting on You?

    Spirit-Filled Pastor: Is Your Blessing Waiting on You?

    “There is a sense in which God’s promises are unconditional, in that our disobedience will not thwart God’s intention to be gracious, but there is also a sense in which those promises will be released only through the obedience of God’s people.” —Paul Carter The Bible is clear that God blesses His people. But it’s

  • ‘Anyone but Trump’: Texas Evangelicals Who Plan to Vote Democrat

    ‘Anyone but Trump’: Texas Evangelicals Who Plan to Vote Democrat

    The title above from a recent article stood out as a glanced through the morning news. It said, “Texas is home to one of the largest evangelical populations in the country, most of which traditionally votes Republican. But some current and former members of the evangelical community have turned to the Democrats, espousing more progressive

  • ‘Trump Lies’ and Other False Statements About Our President

    ‘Trump Lies’ and Other False Statements About Our President

    When my op-ed “How Can You Follow Jesus and Support Trump” went viral, many of the negative emails came from folks who asked similar questions, and the one that topped the list was “How can you support a man who always lies?” This was followed by questions such as: “How can you support him based

  • A Pastor’s Urgent Warning: Why and How Trump Could Lose in 2020

    A Pastor’s Urgent Warning: Why and How Trump Could Lose in 2020

    The title above may be shocking and disheartening to many of us, but it’s a reality check on what could happen. The 2020 election will be one of the most important elections in the history of America (as was Abraham Lincoln’s—who was a Republican fighting slavery). Most are not aware that President Trump barely won

  • How Can You Follow Jesus and Support Donald Trump?

    How Can You Follow Jesus and Support Donald Trump?

    Like many, I’m perplexed by the divide in the Christian community over President Trump—but I’m not surprised. The media is fueling lies, and the world is listening. This was demonstrated in a worship song by Daniel Deitrich (talk about the wrong place to express political views). Deitrich’s song was written in response to the 81%

  • Consider This Method Before You Begin to Fast

    Consider This Method Before You Begin to Fast

    Do you want to fast but don’t know where to start? You’re not alone. Consider intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is not a fad; it aligns with how God designed us for seasons of feast and seasons of famine using fat as fuel during famine. Intermittent fasting provides a much-needed break from food, and it’s a

  • One Simple Way to Break Free of Anger, Irritability and Fatigue

    One Simple Way to Break Free of Anger, Irritability and Fatigue

    Why are so many Christians angry and irritable? I believe that it’s because most are addicted to something that is harming them. Addiction to caffeine, for example, often fuels angry temper tantrums and explosive outbursts. It’s a powerful stimulant that fuels irritability and a quick temper. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders lists

  • Why Fasting Provides a Perfect Environment for Your Healing

    Why Fasting Provides a Perfect Environment for Your Healing

    With more than 12 million U.S. children being obese, and millions more being malnourished, the need to address this topic has never been greater. Caffeine, soft drinks and junk food are fueling the disease epidemic. Yet we pray for God to heal rather than ask for His help with the self-discipline to change harmful habits.

  • 3 Scary Headlines You’ll See if America Keeps Ignoring the Warning Signs

    3 Scary Headlines You’ll See if America Keeps Ignoring the Warning Signs

    In a recent post, Mario Murillo rightly noted that after the United States Army liberated the German concentration camps, General Eisenhower viewed the incomprehensible horror. His reaction was to make every soldier in the area come and see it for themselves. When he was asked why he had subjected these men to such savagery and

  • The Sad Truth About Why Christian Influencers Fall

    The Sad Truth About Why Christian Influencers Fall

    Why do Christian leaders and influencers fall? They fall for the same reason all Christians fall. Each of us is drawn away by our own evil desires and enticed. When we act upon these desires, they lead to sin (see James 1:14-15). Sin has a life cycle—it either grows or withers depending on whether we

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