Sarah Stegall

  • Nevertheless, God Remembers

    When life seems unfair, Satan tempts us to become bitter toward God. Nevertheless, God's Word promises our efforts will not go unrewarded.

  • Why We Can’t Redefine the Family

    Gay activists are pressuring our judicial system to redefine "family." How should we respond?

  • Immodesty is Not in Fashion

    We must set our hearts to please the Lord in all things, and that includes our manner of dress.

  • Receive Your Healing

    Divine health is God's will for believers. We obtain this privilege by completely trusting God's Word and practically applying our faith.

  • When Those Close to You Are Far from God

    The Bible declares the minds of unbelievers are blinded to God's truth. Through strategic prayer, we can ask God to unveil the truth of salvation for our loved ones.

  • Finding Rest for Your Soul

    On the seventh day of creation, God established menuha which means "a settled, deep stillness." Today our souls need stillness more than ever, and we can find it in Jesus Christ.

  • Afraid You’ll Leave Your Mate Behind?

    Many women are sensing God's call to intimacy, yet their spouses' spiritual maturity lags behind. How do they reconcile their conflicting emotions and roles?

  • Becoming One With God

    The unity of our Triune God proceeds from their self-sacrificial love for one another. We enter into the same unity through exchanging our soul-life for Christ's.

  • Breaking Evil Agreements

    Satan desires to destroy our lives through our thoughts. Prolonged fearful or bitter thoughts can lead to casualty covenants with the enemy, which produce destruction.

  • Your Special Child’s Destiny

    Parents of special needs children often struggle to maintain joy. Focusing steadfastly on God renews joy to continue fighting.

  • Don’t Be Afraid to Step Out

    Catherine Booth, along with her husband, William, made great gains for the kingdom of God. By the Spirit, they were empowered to fulfill their calling--even though it meant going against the tide of conventional religion.

  • God Has The Answer To Depression

    Many women experience periods of sadness due to loss, frustration or chronic health problems. At times we can initiate our own depression through self-pity, jealousy and unrealistic expectations. Regardless of the source, God's desire for us is freedom. We need not be subject to the power of the enemy.

  • Whatever Happened to the Ten Commandments?

    In our pluralistic society, we're often told that everything is "relative." However, this is not what the Bible teaches. The Ten Commandments are not the rules of a vengeful dictator but rather the guiding principles of a loving Father. Jesus came to fulfill the law, not to abolish it. As believers, we must hold to…

  • Through the Eyes of the Spirit

    Spiritual vision can be a reality for every Christian through the discipline of prayer. A born-again believer can see the kingdom of God. His Spirit reveals to our spirit a picture of things as they are in the heavenly realm, thus enabling us to perceive all He has for us. Long before a promise of…

  • Sing of His Mighty Deeds

    No matter what the pressing needs may be, when by an act of our faith we open our mouths to praise God for who He is, there is set in motion an assault against the enemy. The enemy hates our praise because it is a reminder to him of all that he forfeited through his…

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