Rev. Malcolm Hedding

  • The Politics of Betrayal

    It is nothing short of astonishing to note the agenda-driven politics of our day. It gives lip service to grand ideals, papers over the truth in order to distort reality, and in the end amounts to betrayal. This is the picture that is unfolding before our eyes concerning Israel and her battle for survival. Even her long-accepted historical narrative is being denied in order to achieve certain global goals.

    Caught in this web of intrigue, the tiny nation of Israel twists and bends so as to somehow appease its allies, who have now decided that a "two-state solution" is the only way forward for her. This in spite of the following:

  • Understanding Pentecost

    Fifty days after leaving Egypt, the Israelites gathered at Mt. Sinai to hear God proclaim the Torah or Law to them. The sight was awesome and provoked considerable fear in the hearts of all those gathered there, so much so that they asked Moses to speak with God on their behalf (Exodus 19:10-25; 20:18-21).

    The lessons for us are clear:

  • What is Christian Zionism?

    Tens of thousands of churches, and literally tens of millions of Christians in the U.S., have a committed belief in the importance of standing with Israel and blessing the Jewish people. The verse most often referred to as their biblical mandate is Genesis 12:3 in which God tells Abraham, "I will bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse you and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed."

    Since the birth of the state of Israel in 1948 the theological error known as replacement theology has begun to decline and a theology of Christian Zionism that understands the importance of God's everlasting covenant with Abraham and the nation he would birth has been increasing.


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