Larry Huch

  • Gog and Magog: Who Are These Rising Prophetic Forces?

    Gog and Magog: Who Are These Rising Prophetic Forces?

    Biblical prophecies mention two major forces that will arise and play key roles in the end times. They are Gog and Magog, Russia and China. Pastor Larry Huch reveals the correlation of what is happening in the news and what God’s Word says about each of these nations as we move forward in the last

  • Why Israel Needs You—and You Need Israel

    Why Israel Needs You—and You Need Israel

    As you’ve seen in recent weeks, right now, Israel is in great need. God definitely wants you to be a difference-maker in the lives of our Jewish brothers and sisters. Terrorist attacks in the Holy Land and antisemitic hate crimes in America and around the world are still happening every day. The Lord is calling

  • Are You Prepared for These 3 Major Blessings of Pentecost?

    Are You Prepared for These 3 Major Blessings of Pentecost?

    The Day of Pentecost is quickly approaching. Fifty is the number of Pentecost, which represents the time from Egypt to Mount Sinai when Moses received the Word of God and from Passover to Pentecost, where the Holy Spirit was released. The past 50 days have been a time of preparation, a time of reflection and

  • Are You Ready for the Return of the Messiah?

    Are You Ready for the Return of the Messiah?

    Bible prophecies are being fulfilled every day. Birth pangs are intensifying. Dramatic world events, natural disasters, the rise of secular humanism, severe economic challenges, lawlessness and so much more are all pointing to the soon return of Jesus, the Messiah. It’s definitely a wake-up call to the church to fulfill our mandate to preach the

  • Are We Really Living in the Last Generation?

    Are We Really Living in the Last Generation?

    In Ezekiel 37, the ancient prophet of the Old Testament foretold that a day would come when God would breathe life into the dead, dry bones of Israel and the Jewish people. “The hand of the Lord was on me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord and set me in

  • The Little-Known Characteristic of the Lord’s Second Coming

    The Little-Known Characteristic of the Lord’s Second Coming

    One of the great prophecies about the coming of the Lord that I discuss in The Seven Living Prophecies comes from the prophet Malachi. Most Christian scholars agree that in Malachi 3—where the Lord said, “I will send My messenger, and he will prepare the way before Me.” (Mal. 3:1a)—is talking about John the Baptist—”The

  • Anti-Semitism Is on the Rise—Here’s How You Can Stop It

    Anti-Semitism Is on the Rise—Here’s How You Can Stop It

    Anti-Semitism, which is systemic hatred, persecution and violence against the Jews, not only happened in the past, but it is also on the rise today, here in America and around the world. It’s not only an attack against innocent Jewish people; it’s an attack against God. Anti-Semitism began long ago with Pharaoh’s genocide of newborn

  • Are You Equipped for Spiritual Battle?

    Are You Equipped for Spiritual Battle?

    Have you ever experienced a prophetic revelation that dramatically changed the course of your life? I have, and I want to share it with you. Twenty-five years ago, Tiz and I were invited to visit Israel. It came at a critical time in our lives. Little did I know that what would happen in Capernaum,

  • Prophecy: An Exodus More Spectacular Than the One Moses Led

    Prophecy: An Exodus More Spectacular Than the One Moses Led

    Most people, even those who have never picked up a Bible, have heard of the first exodus—the departure of the Israelites from Egypt, where they were in captivity—if only from movies such as The Ten Commandments. But as epic as the first exodus was, the Bible prophesies a second, more spectacular exodus—one in which God

  • Spirit-Filled Pastor: Breaking the Spirit of Anti-Semitism

    Spirit-Filled Pastor: Breaking the Spirit of Anti-Semitism

    The age-old spirit that drives people to seek the destruction of the Jewish people, which we can trace all the way back to Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Esau and Esau’s grandson Amalek, has infiltrated nations, organizations and even the church. Yet God’s Word promises its end, and we are seeing signs of a shift. However, even

  • What Believers Must Understand to Release God’s Blessings in Their Lives

    What Believers Must Understand to Release God’s Blessings in Their Lives

    In ancient Jewish wisdom, the starting point for understanding any mystery of the Bible is the avot. The avot is the foundation upon which our understanding of God’s Word is built. The book of Hebrews picks up on this idea when it instructs us to grow in God’s wisdom, moving from the “milk” of His

  • What Blood Moon Tetrads Can Tell Us About Christ’s Second Coming

    What Blood Moon Tetrads Can Tell Us About Christ’s Second Coming

    Have you ever felt like God was speaking, but you weren’t quite getting the message? I have. Sometimes it’s because we are not fully aware that He speaks in many different ways. But whichever way God speaks—through a sermon, a prophecy or a life experience—we know when He has touched our hearts. Sometimes God speaks

  • 9 Ways to Break Generational Curses

    9 Ways to Break Generational Curses

    You don’t have to let sin and shame cripple you. These steps can help you discover freedom from your past. RECOGNIZE THE CURSE. In order to get set free and stay free, you have to admit you have a problem. That sounds simple, but we live in a day and age of denial. No matter what

  • Break the Cycle of Sin!

    Break the Cycle of Sin!

    Many of us are locked into patterns of sinful behavior. But because Jesus paid the full price for your freedom, your family’s tainted past doesn’t have to pull you down. I got a phone call some years ago from a minister friend of mine whom I’ve known for years. He was pastoring a church in

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