Katie Stansfield

  • A Sound Mind is a Controlled Mind

    A Sound Mind is a Controlled Mind

    Read Time: 4 Minutes, 42 Seconds I am an excellent storyteller. The kind of imagination that writes up worlds of tales of lives I’ve never known. The kind that can whip out an off-the-cuff bedtime story on the spot, fit with all the voices. But mostly, I wildly excel at telling stories of the internal

  • What Do I Do with My Prophetic Word?

    What Do I Do with My Prophetic Word?

    Read Time: 5 Minutes, 22 Seconds Within the Charismatic and Pentecostal worlds, personal prophetic words can be treated as gold—something to seek after, hold dearly, and treasure. In some circles, they are rarely received and in others, frequently. But what do you actually do with a prophetic word when you’ve gotten one? Oftentimes, we receive

  • Contentment vs. Ambition: The Mary and Martha Dilemma

    Contentment vs. Ambition: The Mary and Martha Dilemma

    Our culture seems to always be speaking to us in the competing narratives of: do more vs. do less. On one hand, we should all be doing our part of contributing and have dreams and goals that we are reaching toward and wanting to make the world a better place. On the other hand, we’re

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