Julian Lukins

  • Going to the Tough Places

    Going to the Tough Places

    YWAM aims to send church planters to every people group by 2015 YWAMers have never been afraid to go to the tough places. And today they are seeing God do a breathtaking work among the millions who don’t know Jesus. “We are on track to have a church-planting team among every people group by 2015,”

  • How to Find Peace With God

    Perhaps you realized you have never made a Christian commitment. Don’t delay that decision! We encourage you to embrace God’s love today and receive the salvation that only Jesus Christ gives. Here are five simple steps you can take to find assurance of salvation: 1. Recognize your need. The Bible tells us that “all have sinned and

  • A Professor With Spirit

    A Professor With Spirit

    Considered the first Bible scholar of the modern Pentecostal movement, Gordon Fee has spent the last 40 years proving that the Holy Spirit and biblical scholarship can peacefully coexist. Gordon Fee knows how it feels to be a lone ranger. Regarded as the first Bible scholar of the modern Pentecostal movement, Fee is a maverick. For

  • Professor Proves Pentecostalism and Scholarship Can Coexist

    Professor Proves Pentecostalism and Scholarship Can Coexist

    Gordon Fee knows how it feels to be a lone ranger. Regarded as the first Bible scholar of the modern Pentecostal movement, Fee is a maverick. For 40 years he has fought an uphill battle in Pentecostal circles, within a movement that has been traditionally wary of theological endeavors and has placed far stronger emphasis on…

  • Man (and 2.5 million Youth) With a Mission

    Loren Cunningham and YWAM celebrate 50 years of reaching the world with the gospelLoren Cunningham has always been a dreamer. As a young ministry student, he had a vision of waves crashing over the earth—waves that turned into thousands of young people taking the gospel to every nation. Fifty years later, that dream is one of…

  • Underground Church Growing in Muslim-Dominated Indonesia

    Underground Church Growing in Muslim-Dominated Indonesia

    Pentecostals on the tsunami-ravaged coast of Indonesia are experiencing a wave of conversions and healings. In the strongly Muslim Aceh province of northern Sumatra—where 167,000 people died in the 2004 tsunami—the underground church movement is growing, with Pentecostal congregations thriving. Indonesia has an official policy of religious tolerance, but in Muslim-dominated areas Christians face open…

  • The Faith of Sarah Palin

    The Faith of Sarah Palin

    She was vilified by the media, hated by pro-abortion activists and adored by many evangelical Christians. Her 2008 candidacy energized conservatives, broke tradition and made history. Sarah Palin was a little girl holding on to her mom’s hand when she first attended Wasilla Assembly of God (AG) Church in her hometown of Wasilla, Alaska. The

  • Getting Creative For God

    The scarred intersection on Chicago’s north side was the battleground for a dozen rival street gangs. At the corner of Sheridan Road and Sunnyside Avenue, memorials marked the spot where slain gang members had fallen. But in the space of a few weeks, the violence subsided and the trade from the drug houses disappeared. What

  • The Church of the Undignified

    The bizarre-looking cross at the front of the church is made up of McDonald’s cartons, beer cans and drug vials. At first glance, it might appear sacrilegious. But this is Church of the Undignified, where the “rules” of conventional church do not apply. Fashioned out of chicken wire, the three-dimensional cross forms a cage in

  • On the Winning Team

    NFL superstar Napoleon Kaufman traded in his Oakland Raiders jersey in 2001 and became a pastor. And he has never looked back.

  • Smuggling Christ Into Cuba

    Inside the communist nation, Christians are quietly sharing their faith.

  • Breaking the Power of Voodoo

    After centuries of oppression, the nation of HAITI is still locked in a spiritual battle against occultism and poverty

  • I Was a Stranger and You Let Me In

    Would you let immigrants from another country live under your roof? These families say they had no choice but to show Christian hospitality.

  • The Virtual Church

    Who says people have to worship in a building? Today more and more people are pointing and clicking their way to God from a home computer.

  • Shelter from the Storm

    Homeless people in San Francisco know where to find a good meal and a warm bed. They look for the bus with their name on it.

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