Jonathan Stockstill

  • Are You Running to Win the Race for Jesus?

    Are You Running to Win the Race for Jesus?

    In some ways, Christianity is like a relay race. We’re a team; we’re in it to win, and we still have a ways to go. Jesus was our leadoff runner. And man, did He sprint! In 33 short years He radically changed history, and before He ascended to heaven, He carried out His Father’s plan

  • The Secret Behind Jesus’ Unlimited Power—And Why You Need It Too

    The Secret Behind Jesus’ Unlimited Power—And Why You Need It Too

    If you’ve ever been to church or Sunday school or read the Bible, you’re familiar with the miracles Jesus did while He was on earth. We know that not everything He did is recorded in the Word, but the Gospels make it clear that His ministry included such amazing feats as raising the dead, healing

  • What Real Compassion for Others Looks Like

    What Real Compassion for Others Looks Like

    As we learn what the real Jesus taught, we quickly come to see that our vertical relationship with God should directly affect our horizontal relationships with people. Christianity is not only about how we relate to God but also about how we relate to others. The way we treat others mirrors what is going on

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