Jonathan Feldstein

  • Arsonists in the White House

    Arsonists in the White House

    I made it a point not to go to sleep last night, knowing what was coming from Iran. After Shabbat with my son’s pre-army program, we heard news of the instructions from Israel’s Homefront Command that for the next two days all schools would be closed, there were to be no gatherings of more than

  • My Traumatic yet Joyous Homecoming to Israel

    My Traumatic yet Joyous Homecoming to Israel

    Coming home to Israel after a trip overseas to anywhere, for any length of time, is always emotional. Choking back tears, in a matter of minutes I see the coast, cities with countless construction sites indicating growth and building for the future, low-lying houses and buildings surrounded by fertile cultivated fields. I anticipate seeing my

  • Sen. Schumer’s Undemocratic, Dangerous Anti-Israel Diatribe

    Sen. Schumer’s Undemocratic, Dangerous Anti-Israel Diatribe

    As he read his prepared remarks, Sen. Chuck Schumer’s recent diatribe against Israel made it seem as though he were competing for best supporting actor in a growing treacherous horror film within the Democratic Party as to who can be more hostile to Israel. Coming from a democratically elected leader and the highest-ranking Democratic senator,

  • Please Don’t Tell Me That God Is Punishing the Jews, Especially Today

    Please Don’t Tell Me That God Is Punishing the Jews, Especially Today

    There are many areas of agreement between Jews and Christians. For example, both emphasize the foundational importance of loving God and loving one’s neighbor, as well as the importance of living by the ethical ideals of the Torah and the Prophets. Both emphasize a final Day of Judgment where we give account for our lives

  • Orthodox Jew: Gazans Need a Little Jesus This Christmas

    Orthodox Jew: Gazans Need a Little Jesus This Christmas

    With the war against Hamas raging, scores of Israeli soldiers having been killed in combat along with many more injured, and still some 130 hostages who were kidnapped from Israel on Oct. 7 being held in captivity, it might be intuitive that this Christmas I would not be praying for anything other than the swift

  • The Unthinkable Things Inside and Under Gazan Hospitals

    The Unthinkable Things Inside and Under Gazan Hospitals

    The other day, I was reading my grandson the Dr. Seuss classic, “In a People House.” It was a needed respite for me, a break from incessantly following the news of the war in Israel, albeit that the Red Alert app on my phone sounded throughout, indicating continued rocket fire from Hamas terrorists in Gaza

  • 2 Radically Different Perspectives on Preserving Life

    2 Radically Different Perspectives on Preserving Life

    On Oct. 16, I had an appointment at Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek hospital. There are many places in which one observes the peaceful and respectful interaction between Jews and Arabs throughout Israel, but none more than in a hospital, and no hospitals more than a Jerusalem hospital. Reflecting not just the demographic that 20% of Israel’s

  • This is Not the Time for Ambiguity About Islamic Terrorism

    This is Not the Time for Ambiguity About Islamic Terrorism

    During its inhuman assault and massacre of Israelis on Oct. 7, leaving more than 1,400 dead, and thousands injured, Hamas also kidnapped an estimated 240 people and took them back to Gaza to imprison them. Laying bare the lie of their being “freedom fighters,” or being for a Palestinian state or anything else, what’s clear—and

  • You’re Fired, ‘Prophet’, and You Know Why

    You’re Fired, ‘Prophet’, and You Know Why

    If you’re following the war against Hamas now, you’re likely bombarded by news of suffering of Palestinian Arabs, almost as much as we have been bombarded by Palestinian Arabs’ rockets. Much of this is fake news, perpetrated by Hamas and other Arab/Islamic terror groups using images and “statistics” of “suffering” to play to your sensibility.

  • If You’re Pro-Life, Does That Mean You’re Anti-Hamas?

    If You’re Pro-Life, Does That Mean You’re Anti-Hamas?

    If you’re concerned about the murder of babies in the womb, you need to be concerned about the murder of babies after they are born. This past week in Israel we have seen a gruesome evil massacre of over 1,400 people, including men, women and children, in some cases entire families and in some cases,

  • Should You Ever Believe the ‘Word’ of a Terrorist?

    Should You Ever Believe the ‘Word’ of a Terrorist?

    Watching the war unfold against Hamas, a terrorist subsidiary of Iran, an ideological clone of the Muslim Brotherhood, there are many questions. One that’s been burning for me is when in the context of this war, or ever, to actually believe Hamas and Islamic terrorists in general. The short answer is believe them when they

  • Israelis Finding Ways to Smile in the Middle of a Horrific War

    Israelis Finding Ways to Smile in the Middle of a Horrific War

    I’m still processing all the incredible things that happened this week. Thanks to my good friend David Nekrutman of the Isaiah Projects, who spearheaded an incredible initiative to relocate and care for the needs of scores of people evacuated from the Gaza area, and my good friend, Jeffrey Mark, owner of J. Mark Interiors, who

  • The Ethical, Essential and Imperative yet Mythical Blockade of Gaza

    The Ethical, Essential and Imperative yet Mythical Blockade of Gaza

    Days after more than 1,300 people in Israel were slaughtered in the most vulgar way—men, women, elderly, entire families, children and babies raped, burned alive, brutally tortured, beheaded and impaled—the world has started to complain about Israel’s “siege” and “blockade” on Gaza, the territory ruled by the evil Iranian-backed Islamist terror organization, Hamas, which perpetrated

  • God’s Mighty Hand Strengthening and Unifying Israel

    God’s Mighty Hand Strengthening and Unifying Israel

    In the summer of 2014, my 17-year-old daughter knocked on my bedroom door late one night shortly after my wife and I had gone to sleep. She asked us not to come downstairs, saying that she had just brought two guys home. But she didn’t use the word guys: aid soldiers. Israel was embroiled in

  • Israelis Miraculously Uniting Against Inhumane Enemy

    Israelis Miraculously Uniting Against Inhumane Enemy

    Since the brutal horrifying attack by the Iranian-backed Islamist terror organization Hamas on Saturday, more than 1,200 Israelis have been killed, most of whom were civilians murdered in cold blood. Bodies continue to be found. Most recently, 40 babies. Some with their heads chopped off. It’s inhuman. There are no words. More Jews were murdered

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