James W. Goll

  • 3 Satanic Traps You Must Avoid at All Costs

    3 Satanic Traps You Must Avoid at All Costs

    As we know, Satan has established an evil spiritual kingdom as a rival to God’s kingdom. He rules over fallen angels and demonic spirits and incites them to seek to establish footholds in our minds and hearts. Here are three common satanic traps we need to both discern and avoid: 1. Disguises and masquerade parties.

  • Consider This Unsung Hero of the Bible

    Consider This Unsung Hero of the Bible

    Sometimes, I think Martha in the Bible gets a bad rap! I am not saying that Jesus labeled Martha at all. Please hear me out. But I think we would be wise to avoid picking up and holding onto some of the dynamics in this potential sibling rivalry between Martha and Mary. Sometimes we insert

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