James F. Linzey

  • How You Can Find Peace in the Imminent Threat of World War III

    How You Can Find Peace in the Imminent Threat of World War III

    Read Time: 5 Minutes 33 Seconds By encouraging the war between Ukraine and Russia, who would have thought that evangelical’s and fundamentalist’s relatively new interpretation of the identity of Gog and Magog would have contributed to perilous times? Identifying Magog with Russia is not a historical interpretation of the church. Consequently, the war may explode

  • Is the Church Judging Prophecies Today?

    Is the Church Judging Prophecies Today?

    Read Time: 4 Minutes, 45 Seconds Is the church judging prophecies today? Since prophecy was an expression of a person who was filled with the Spirit or upon whom the Spirit came in the Bible, it is clear that utterance is a logical, spontaneous outflow and expression of the Spirit. Prophecy is the voice of

  • Why Some Pentecostals Doubt Receiving the Holy Spirit

    Why Some Pentecostals Doubt Receiving the Holy Spirit

    Is speaking in tongues the end of the journey with Christ, or is it the beginning? Is it the goal in life or the means to the goal? Misconceptions about the hallmark doctrine of the Pentecostal Movement have made well-meaning Pentecostals and charismatics doubt their tongue-speaking experience and give Satan the credit. The irony is

  • Prophetic Dream: ‘I Saw the Launch of World War III’

    Prophetic Dream: ‘I Saw the Launch of World War III’

    On Monday, Aug. 22, in the wee hours of the night, I had a disturbing prophetic dream. In this dream, I witnessed the discharge of a hypersonic missile. In the dream, I stood by as I watched a hypersonic nuclear missile being discharged. I saw the launch of World War III. I felt horrified and

  • 8 Reasons for You to Speak in Tongues

    8 Reasons for You to Speak in Tongues

    If a person were to ask, “Why speak in tongues?” couldn’t we also ask, “Why pray?” The Word of God shows a definite value in praying with an unknown tongue. Jesus tells us that “it is necessary always to pray” (Luke 18:1, MEV). Later, in speaking of prayer, Paul mentions two types of praying. There

  • Why Does God Want Us to Speak with Tongues?

    Why Does God Want Us to Speak with Tongues?

    Why speak with tongues? There are many reasons for speaking in a spiritual language. Primarily, though, the Scriptures require it. The apostle Paul commanded us, saying, “Pray in the Spirit always” (Eph. 6:18). Jude commanded it in verse 20, saying, “Pray in the Holy Spirit.” Jesus said it was one of the signs which were

  • 3 Reasons Paul Commands Us to Speak in Tongues

    3 Reasons Paul Commands Us to Speak in Tongues

    All Christians have the Holy Spirit within them (Rom. 8:9). But not all have confirmed it by speaking in tongues. They may have confirmed it with other manifestations, and they should; but that does not constitute grounds for neglecting Paul’s and Jude’s commands to manifest the baptism with the Holy Spirit by speaking in tongues

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