J. Lee Grady

  • Who Is Really Behind the Transgender Movement?

    Who Is Really Behind the Transgender Movement?

    America’s culture war grew more intense last month after Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis, signed the Parental Rights Law, which prohibits educators from teaching about gender identity or sexual orientation to kids from kindergarten to third grade. The bill has broad support from parents, who believe teachers have no business talking to grade-schoolers about sex. But

  • How Do We Respond to the Hillsong Scandal?

    How Do We Respond to the Hillsong Scandal?

    Hillsong has been the most popular name in Christian worship for more than two decades, and the Hillsong network of churches has planted congregations in 30 countries since it was founded in 1983 in Australia. Its global membership is estimated at 150,000. But a series of scandals has rocked the movement in the last two

  • Lee Grady: Facts About Satan 101

    Lee Grady: Facts About Satan 101

    Mary Magdalene was one of Jesus’ most devoted followers. She must have had a troubled past, because the Bible tells us in Luke 8:2 that Jesus cast seven demons out of her. Yet she was part of Jesus’ close circle of friends, and she, along with other women disciples, contributed financially to support Jesus’ mission.

  • Instead of Spreading Last-Days Fever, Let’s Share Jesus

    Instead of Spreading Last-Days Fever, Let’s Share Jesus

    As if the COVID-19 pandemic weren’t enough to spark fears of the end of the world, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine poured gasoline on this fire. Everywhere I go Christians ask me if we are on the verge of World War III. And most of them don’t like my answer: I don’t know. But I’m not

  • Never Abuse the Precious Gift of Prophecy

    Never Abuse the Precious Gift of Prophecy

    I meet many people who tell me they desperately need a word from God. I’ve seen Christians line up in front of prophets in a church service, hoping for a quick solution to their problems. I’ve also seen those same Christians stand in line a second time in front of the same prophets because they

  • Ukrainian Pastor: ‘This War Will Lead to the End of Communism’

    Ukrainian Pastor: ‘This War Will Lead to the End of Communism’

    Ukrainian pastor Yan Gutarov woke up around 3 a.m. on Feb. 24. He couldn’t go back to sleep, so he began to pray. At 4:30 a.m., he heard an explosion and he wondered if there had been a gas leak in his neighborhood in the city of Odessa. But another explosion followed, shaking his house.

  • Pray for Ukraine as if Your Family Lived There

    Pray for Ukraine as if Your Family Lived There

    Early in the morning on Feb. 24, President Vladimir Putin of Russia began what he called a “peacekeeping mission” in Ukraine. It was, in fact, a hostile and unlawful act of war that has been condemned by the world community. As soon as Russian bombs began falling on the Ukrainian cities of Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odessa

  • The Best Way to Stop Drug Trafficking in America

    The Best Way to Stop Drug Trafficking in America

    By the time LaToya Merrill was 15, she had her first baby. She started selling drugs and dating drug dealers so she could get money for diapers for her son. Scared and desperate, LaToya sought help from a school counselor. But the counselor made things worse when she told LaToya, “You and your son will

  • Will We Know Our Friends in Heaven?

    Will We Know Our Friends in Heaven?

    Last year was painful for me because I lost three good friends. Robert died of lymphoma in February, Fernando died in November after a heart attack and James died a week later of heart failure. All three men left grieving wives and families behind. To cope with my grief, I looked at photos and wrote

  • Lee Grady: The Only Way to Effectively Lead People to Christ

    Lee Grady: The Only Way to Effectively Lead People to Christ

    God’s Word is the heart of discipleship. If we want to follow God faithfully, we must learn His Word. We must be faithful students. We should cherish the Word, submit to it, honor it, and fearfully respect the author of it. We should treat it like no other book on earth, because it is “living

  • Let’s Remember Our Black Faith Heroes—During Black History Month and Always

    Let’s Remember Our Black Faith Heroes—During Black History Month and Always

    Kids around the nation are reminded every February of the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Jesse Owens, Thurgood Marshall, Frederick Douglas and so many other Black men and women who excelled as politicians, civil rights leaders, judges, athletes and entertainers. But when we celebrate Black History Month, we often leave

  • Lee Grady: How I Found Real, Book of Acts Community in Puerto Rico

    Lee Grady: How I Found Real, Book of Acts Community in Puerto Rico

    In 2013, I preached for several days at Casa del Padre—The Father’s House—a small but growing church in Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico. The congregation was meeting in a simple rented facility with tile floors and folding chairs. They don’t have a worship leader yet, so a CD player provided accompaniment for the singing. The pastor,

  • In This Painful Season of Waiting, Don’t Quit

    In This Painful Season of Waiting, Don’t Quit

    I’ve tried my best to keep a good attitude during this pandemic season, but God knows I’ve complained too much—about masks, vaccine mandates, changing health policies, closed schools, online church services and travel restrictions. But what I’ve hated most are the delays. Everything is moving slower these days. It’s almost as if God pushed a

  • The Most Vital Key to Reaching the Next Generation

    The Most Vital Key to Reaching the Next Generation

    In case you haven’t noticed, sweeping cultural changes are happening in the midst of this global pandemic. Recent polls have shown that teenagers and young adults are abandoning faith. One recent poll showed that about three-quarters of teens in the United States reject the Christian faith they were raised with after they graduate from high

  • J. Lee Grady: Holy Ghost Gas Station Encounter

    J. Lee Grady: Holy Ghost Gas Station Encounter

    In early 2020, two months before I ever heard the word coronavirus, I stopped at a convenience store near my home in LaGrange, Georgia, to fill up my gas tank. When I went inside to purchase a few items, I noticed the clerk at the cash register had a thick Indian accent. “What part of

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