J. Lee Grady

  • Let the Women Preach!

    For centuries men have misused and misinterpreted the Bible to keep women silent. But the message of Scripture is clear: God has called His daughters to prophesy.

  • Out With Chauvinism

  • The Faith of George W. Bush

    He says he had a spiritual rebirth in 1986 and that his new faith in Christ helped him quit drinking. But it won't be certain until Election Day whether Christians believe George W. Bush's God-talk is genuine.

  • PLUS: God and the Governor

    Charisma's exclusive interview with George W. Bush.

  • He’s Just a Man

  • The Spiritual Side of Al Gore

    The Spiritual Side of Al Gore

    Conservative Christians have criticized Al Gore for his pro-abortion views. But he maintains that his public policy is guided by a deeply personal Baptist faith. During the Clinton years, Vice President Al Gore defined himself as a Harvard-educated intellectual, a forward-looking environmentalist and a visionary leader for the new millennium. But when the presidential campaign

  • Joe Lieberman’s Old-Time Religion

    Joe Lieberman’s Old-Time Religion

    Vice presidential canditate Joseph Lieberman is attracting Christian votes because he talks about God more than your average Democrat. Regardless of who wins the November election, the Bush-Gore contest will go down in the history books for one thing: the nomination of Joseph Lieberman, the first Jew to run on a major party’s presidential ticket.

  • Spying for God

  • Party at Dad’s House!

  • The Cloud Has Moved

  • Get in the Groove

  • Native Americans Use Culture for Christ

    But the movement to use drums, feathers and costumes in worship has triggered controversy

  • Ten Lies The Church Tells Women

    FOR CENTURIES, A PATRIARCHAL SYSTEM OF CONTROL HAS KEPT WOMEN IN SPIRITUAL CAPTIVITY THROUGH DISTORTION OF THE SCRIPTURES. IT'S TIME TO DEBUNK THE MYTHS.We live in the 21st century, but if we're honest we have to admit that in some ways the church is still in the Dark Ages--especially when we look at the way…

  • Millions of Elians

  • Radical Worship

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