Dr. Mark Virkler

  • I Either LOVE the Truth or Am Under a Deluding Influence

    I Either LOVE the Truth or Am Under a Deluding Influence

    We are living in a time when domination, control, fear, deception and emotions are running high. Our desire is NOT to be deceived, whether by fear tactics, control freaks or by workers of miracles who are not followers of Jesus Christ. We are truly in a war so we need to also be wise as

  • Healing Emotional Trauma Is Foundational to Restoring Health

    Healing Emotional Trauma Is Foundational to Restoring Health

    For many years I have known that emotional trauma is often the trigger for physical pain and illness. I have worked with two specific individuals who were both able to clearly trace the onset of cancer to unresolved emotional trauma in their lives. Traumas can leave us emotionally shattered, which turns off our immune system,

  • Creative Prayer

    Creative Prayer

    The key components of creative prayer are: Passion – Immersion – Revelation – Creativity I am passionate to release God’s wisdom and creativity in area after area of my life. I have discovered the best way to prepare for His revelation is to immerse myself in Scriptures concerning the topic at hand and to read

  • 7 Prayers for True Financial Freedom

    7 Prayers for True Financial Freedom

    Finances are one of the greatest sources of fear for people today. A 2015 study by the American Psychological Association found that 64 percent of Americans saw money as a significant source of stress. And it’s not just a U.S. problem. A Canadian study found that 68 percent of Canadians “worry a lot about their

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